First of all, your three votes:
one two three (a theme app, but there aren't many gen apps. ;_;)
[ b a s i c s ]
Name/Alias: Myaru
Age: late twenties and so not going more specific than that SORRY
Gender: female
Which gender do you want to be stamped as?: doesn't matter!
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: nope. I'm the new girl.
[ i n - d e p t h ]
Likes: writing, mythology/folklore - especially Japanese, Chinese, or Hebrew, peanut butter, pretty boys, books, the musty smell of books, incense (especially the woodless, Japanese kind), perfume, silk, fall and winter, plum blossoms, Heian Japan, biwa/pipa music, role-playing games, art nuveau, Japanese, foreign language in general, strategy, cooking, painting, doll-collecting.
Dislikes: crowded train cars, being interrupted, politics, ignorance, being told what to think or believe, being labeled, assumptions made about me or other people (see: ignorance). Also, seafood. Oh, and retail - working it, that is.
Fears: spiders, violence - especially against people I care about.
Pet Peeves: people who can't walk straight. Seriously, it's not that hard. Alternately, people who are ambling along and suddenly stop in a doorway - or in the middle of the sidewalk, or in front of something I want to look at, or-- okay, you've got me. PEOPLE.
Goals in life: to be "important" enough in my chosen career to say whatever I want to without being afraid I'll lose my job. :D
Describe your personality: people call me mellow, and I tend to get along with friends and people around me by being quiet and flexible - like, I don't care where we go for lunch as long as it's not all fish, that kind of thing. I have a lot of pent-up aggression I keep to myself.
Five positive traits about you: uhhhh. I listen well, can Spot The Mythic Reference most of the time, I try not to judge without knowing what I'm looking at. I apparently give good advice. I'm honest to a fault.
Five negative traits about you: I'm lazy, apparently have high expectations for common courtesy, getting me to talk on the phone/communicate is like pulling teeth, I have a bad habit of reading horrible fan fiction and laughing at it, and I'm blunt.
Favourite quote/your motto: if you can't take it, don't dish it out.
[ c h o i c e s ]
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: mature? I don't flip out at the slightest provocation or think I'm the center of the world.
Leader or Follower?: this depends. If the leader can lead, I'll just follow. If I think the leader is an idiot, I'll go do my own thing. My instructors always dreaded putting me in groups because I'd do that.
Outgoing or Shy?: shy. I don't talk much or draw attention to myself.
Confident or Modest?: confident when I know I can do something.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: realist. I don't always see the bad side of things, but just from experience and observation, I tend not to trust people to make the best decisions all the time.
Energetic or calm?: calm. I never have any energy. I'd go as far as "sleepy."
Listener or Speaker?: Listener. Why talk?
Impulsive or Cautious?: cautious. I'd rather learn from someone else's mistakes.
Playful or Serious?: both - this absolutely depends on who I'm talking to. If I don't know you, I won't play around.
[ r e a l m ]
Do you prefer attacking at close-range, long-range or not at all?: long range. Like hell I'm going to give someone the chance to hit me.
Are you most likely to work alone or in a group?: alone, unless I know the other person/group really well and can count on anticipating their reactions.
In the battlefield where can someone find you?(healing, attacking, supporting, etc): supporting, probably. That blast of fire/lightning/wind or the arrow that helped you out? That's me. I prefer the ballista, or long range spells like Thani. :D
Most important of all, what is the reason for you to fight?: this can go three ways - because I'm being threatened, because someone I care about is being threatened, or because I'm pissed off.
Anything else you'd like to add?: ... not really?