First of all, your three votes:
x x X [ b a s i c s ]
Name/Alias: Erin / Eddie
Age: 15
Gender: f e m a l e
Which gender do you want to be stamped as?: either or. female would be nice, but it really doesn't matter what gender.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: Tormod. :)
[ i n - d e p t h ]
Likes: desserts, learning, being able to do things at my own pace, sports and weight training, strangers, hanging with kids, being around people.
Dislikes: having things planned out for me completely, disregard for other people, fish, pressure, breaking promises.
Fears: drowning. and if I think about it, I am afraid of losing my closest friends and family.
Pet Peeves: eating without manners, and disregarding other people's opinions. :|
Goals in life: to just live life, and to help people as much as possible while doing so.
Describe your personality: I'm the kind of person that people see as sociable and understanding, they go to me when they want someone to talk to that will listen. I get impatient and snarky, and I don't get overtly close to people often. When I'm bothered by something, I act pretty harsh towards everyone. It bothers people when I'm not talkative or in an outgoing mood, because they're probably used to seeing me like that. I like people, and I care a lot about things even though that doesn't show sometimes.
Five positive traits about you: outgoing, rational, good at listening, friendly, discerning.
Five negative traits about you: irritable, snarky, anxious, unenthusiastic, stubborn.
Favourite quote/your motto:
[ c h o i c e s ]
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: mature, but everyone gets immature at some point. I reeeally can. ;P
Leader or Follower?: neither, lol.
Outgoing or Shy?: outgoing, but not completely open.
Confident or Modest?: in between. I tend to brag sometimes, but I don't really care.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: realist.
Energetic or calm?: can be both, energetic usually.
Listener or Speaker?: listener. but I can be the 'speaker' when I'm really dead set on something.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I think about things, but I end up being impulsive sometimes. :P
Playful or Serious?: I'm waaaaaay both. haha.
[ r e a l m ]
Do you prefer attacking at close-range, long-range or not at all?: close-range. I just don't like the chance of missing.
Are you most likely to work alone or in a group?: either or, maybe the group thoguh.
In the battlefield where can someone find you?(healing, attacking, supporting, etc): attacking.
Most important of all, what is the reason for you to fight?: for everyone in the frickin' world. :D
Anything else you'd like to add?: nope. ;)