I can't see Manni Katti without thinking "Ooooh, Italian!"

Sep 06, 2009 16:01

First of all, your votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x
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5. x

Name: Nocturne
Age: 20 (for about another week and a half!)
Stamped as: Sothe // Parents (personality): Ike and Ranulf // Affinity: Ice
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? I would prefer not to be stamped as anyone I've already been stamped with before, so Sothe, Ike and Ranulf.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us who was your rival: Nope.

[All about you...]
Describe your personality: I'm pretty laid back most of the time and I kind of go with the flow a lot rather than try to stir up trouble, but if I'm in the right (wrong?) mood, I'm arguing with anyone who so much as blinks at me the wrong way. I'm honest to the point of blunt, and I expect people to be the same with me (though I know they usually aren't, and I've been told it's because of my temper). And speaking of my temper, I have a tendency to snap on a moment's notice if I'm under too much pressure and don't have a way of dealing with it. I"m stubborn and determined, and there are things that I strongly believe in, but I'm not going to try to force my beliefs on anyone else.
What do you value the most? Friendship and humor, and the two go hand in hand. I can't force myself to want to be around someone who can't make me laugh or at least try to lighten up a situation. I know I'm not usually very good at humor, but that's why my friends are all relatively funny people (even if it takes me awhile to pick up on their particular brand of humor sometimes).

Goals in life: At this point in time, my biggest goal is to not freak out over the little things every single day. I want to live life and be happy.
Your motto:
Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like it's heaven on earth. ~Mark Twain

[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? Mature. I like to laugh; doesn't mean I like to resort to acting like I'm ten years old.
Leader or Follower? Leader. I'm much too stubborn and strong-tempered to be a follower, though I don't mind letting others help lead. But I'm not going to let someone take over my life and tell me how to live it.
Outgoing or Shy? Outgoing, mostly. I'm reserved around people I don't know, but I'm not exactly shy. I wouldn't have a problem jumping into a conversation to make a point about something.
Confident or Modest? Modest. I know my faults, but I usually have a hard time seeing my strengths.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? Normally, I'd say 70% pessimist/30% realist to this, but here lately I've been noticing that I'm more 50% realist/25% pessimist/25% optimist.
Impulsive or Cautious? Cautious, usually, but I have my impulsive moments. Or days.
Playful or Serious? Playful, though I think I come across as more serious to people who haven't seen the really playful side of me. Most of my friends and family know that most of what comes out of my mouth is either sarcasm or a joke, even if it doesn't seem that way.

[Pushing your buttons...]
What makes you angry? Stupid people. Ugh, stupid people. And arrogance. I don't mind being around people who are more confident than I am (in fact, it's refreshing), but once they pass into the cocky/arrogant territory, it ticks me off.
What do you dislike the most about people? Their lack of respect for others and how they tend to put themselves above everyone else. I'm guilty of this, too.

What do you think about: a) Bullying; b) Disrespect? Would you do something about it, if you saw it happening?
Bullying: I think it's childish and brought on by jealousy. Honestly? I might do something if I knew any of the people involved or it didn't look like I could get hurt in any way, but more than likely I'd just mind my own business.
Disrespect: I think this tends to be more about human selfishness, insecurity and a need to prove yourself to others than anything else. People call out and mock the differences of others so that people won't pay attention to any flaws the other person has. I would definitely jump in in this case, because I can't stand it when people do this.

[Getting a rival...]
What is it about you that would make someone angry? My sarcasm has a negative effect on some people, I've noticed, and the fact that I'm a perfectionist and everything has to be set up the way I want it or I can't focus properly. Plus, the blunt honestly rubs people the wrong way, and I'm a bit tactless.
What would make someone dislike you? When I set a goal, I go for it, even if it means upsetting people along the way, though I don't really like hurting other people. I'm a pretty good judge of character and if I truly don't like someone, they will know it, and probably in the most tactless, blunt way possible.

[The confrontation!]
What makes you go into a competitive disposition? When I want to reach my goals. Other than that, I'm not much into competition. The one thing that gets me every single time, though, is someone telling me I can't do something. (And I mean more like "You'll never be able to make it as successful athlete" or something along those lines, not a parents setting boundaries or something.)
Your rival proposes a one-on-one battle between you two. Would you accept it? Why? Why not? Yes, absolutely. It becomes a matter of pride when it's between rivals.
For the sake of the application, let's say you accepted. You somehow managed to unarm your rival! You could kill him with a simply swing of your weapon. Would you do it? No. Where would the fun be in the rivalry if my rival is dead? Even if I knew if the situation was reversed and my rival had the upper-hand they would choose to kill me, I would let them live.

Let's set the mood: Pick a song for your final battle with your rival: Can't think of a good one for this.

Anything else? Nope, nothing I can think of off the top of my head.

rival: vaida

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