I don't know who this Gharnef is but he seems like a decent fellow!

Nov 10, 2009 16:04

First of all, your votes...
1. x
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5. x

Name: Kim
Age: 20
Stamped as: No one yet, I’m a new member!
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? Somehow I doubt we are going to have a problem with that.

[All about you...]
How would you describe yourself? I’m pretty lazy and prone to daydreaming. I absolutely hate being put in the spotlight, but at the same time I love being in control. Like most gamers, I'm really introverted, and I usually prefer staying at home and working on my own personal projects rather than going out to parties.
How would others describe you? Other people think I'm Smart, Awesome, Cute (apparently), good at writing (which is debatable), introverted, charismatic, quiet, shy, and geeky
What do you value the most? Wisdom
Strong points: clever, easy going, pretty (at least I think so), funny
Weak points: passive, quiet, stubborn, eccentric, low self-esteem
Likes: Video Games (obviously), Batman, Camping, Zombies, Online Quizzes, Reading, Sharks, Writing
Dislikes: color red, being forced to write about things I don't care about, the taste of meat, strangers, Superman, haggling, when no one takes charge, being responsible for other people

Goals in life:
Your motto: “What they don’t know, wont hurt ‘em”
What makes you angry? I absolutely hate it when people put words in my mouth (so to speak). I’m not a very open person, and a lot of people tend to make assumptions that I’m a super sensitive little mush ball. Although in most cases I can use this to my advantage, I really get sick and tired of having to continuously prove that I’m competent at what I do.
What do you dislike the most about people? Urgh, I hate how disgustingly soppy everyone gets ALL THE TIME! I swear, people can be so needy sometimes, what with their tendencies to waste valuable time socializing when they should be getting down to work.
What is it about you that would make someone angry? My overall apathy towards other peoples feelings. I’m sure my inability to sympathize with the hardships of others has been the cause of much frustration with me in the past.
What would make someone dislike you? Not that many people dislike me, I’m pretty fucking amazing. I suppose for those few people that do hate me, its probably because I’m so apathetic towards other peoples problems. I have no problems pushing work that I should be doing off onto other people, and sometimes I’ll feed on their insecurities to get them to do things that I don’t want to.
Do you believe the goal justifies the means? Not really. I believe that whatever happens, happens. If you have to find some excuse to justify your actions, then clearly you are not doing something right.
What do you think it’s the most despicable thing a person could do? Physical and mental torture.

[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? I would think that I'm in between the two, leaning towards being more immature though. I understand that there is a place and a time for everything so usually a designate my actions accordingly...usually.
Leader or Follower? Personally, I really prefer being a follower. I hate having to be responsible for other people, especially when they don’t really hold their own with the tasks that have been assigned to them. Unless there is no one else who is willing to take charge to get things done, I usually just remain in the shadows.
Confident or Modest? Modest, even when I'm confident there is always an underlying feeling of doubt present.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? Optimistic to the end. I could be on a plane crashing to the ground and I would still hold out that some sort of freak accident would happen that would save us all. That’s not to say that I don’t know my own limits, but usually I’ll still hold onto that last scrap of hope until the very last second when I see that there is nothing that can be done to save the situation from turning bad.
Impulsive or Cautious?Cautious, up until I get tired of having to deal with all of those pesky precautions, after a while I could care less and then my actions start to become more risky.
Playful or Serious? I try to be serious, but I usually end up being playful.
Persistent or Weak-willed? I’m pretty persistent. If I want to do something, then I’ll just do it, in some cases even throwing caution to the wind to get what I want.
Cynical or Faithful? I’m Cynical towards people and Faithful towards Ideas. (if that makes any sense). I hold most people in contempt, but when it comes to philosophical ideals, usually I hold them in a higher regard. After all, people are the reason that so many ideas get messed up and go awry in the first place.
Rational or Emotional? Rational. Even if I wanted to be emotional, in most cases I really cant find it in me to act upon any of my emotions.
Short-tempered or Cold-headed? Cold-headed. Like I said before, even if I do get pissed off (which I rarely do), it would take a lot for me to act upon my own rage. However, I have no problem randomly messing with other people just to spite them!
Forgiving or Vindictive? Forgiving, I’m really too lazy to hold a grudge, of course, that’s not to say that I wouldn’t totally enjoy watching my enemies find themselves in compromising situations in which they screw themselves over.

[Being the bad guy is not easy]
What is your reason to confront the hero? No doubt, I’m probably confronting him because of our conflicting ideologies. Most likely he poses as a threat to everything that I stand for, and is getting in the way of me living my life the way I want to.
Would you rather have comrades/subordinates or work alone? I definitely want to work with other people, that way I can dump all of the work I don’t want to do onto someone else.
The good guys are getting really close to you, and lately they’re being a real pain in the ass. You have a plan to delay and maybe destroy them, but it would mean sacrificing the houses and possibly the lives of a lot of innocent civilians. Do you go on with the plan or prefer to respect the innocent lives? -sigh- I really don’t want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians, but if there is no other way, then I guess I’d have to go through with it. As a rule though, I really don’t like harming uninvolved people because there really isn’t much that I can see that I would gain from their suffering.
Would you ever betray your comrades for your own benefit? Me and my comrades have an agreement already arranged. If anything gets too tough, we have all agreed that we would mutually betray each other in a heartbeat.
Would you rather defeat your enemies by force or using complicate politic plots? Seeing as how I’m not really a physically strong person, I rely mostly on my wits to overpower my enemies.
Would you use someone of manipulate their feelings to get what you want? Would I? I practically do it on a daily basis already!
The hero seems pretty strong, do you try to get him (or her) to join you or do you think it’s not worth the trouble? Sure, if I can turn my enemy into an ally I’m all for it! The more people on my side means the less work I have to do!

Anything else? I just want to point out how hilariously awkward it is that the first theme that I get to do is a villain stamp! I don’t know what kind of first impression this is going to make, but it definitely signifies a weird foreshadowing of what’s to come.

villain: naesala

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