Everyone knows that Soren is the hotest one

Feb 02, 2010 01:02

[First of all, your votes]
x x x x x

Name/Alias: Diana / Yunie
Age: 21
Stamped as: Lilina
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? Roflol no xD
Which gender do you want to be stamped as?:Female onegai :)

[who’re you?]
Describe your personality, being as specific as you want or need, and pointing out your strong and weak points I am a calm, cheerful girl that has been diagnosisted with a depression, but above that i'm a fighter, open minded, opinionated and very stubborn, i like to say lame jokes and i love to cuddle people and i love sweets, i can be very serious and supportive or i can be very bitchy depending of the ones that bug me. I'm introverted at first, more happy and extroverted after knowing others; I love to laugh and i do so until my stomach hurts. I am the kind of person that has little self esteem but has a great inner strength (words from others), i am very motherlike and protective and i also behave like a psycologist for some, aka i am just the typical girl next door. I'm someone that is very strong when it comes to helping others and supporting but i gotta say that my weakest point is my family, i am overprotective and that at times shows to be my acchiles heel
How would others describe you? oh that'd be better to ask them ahahah, i think that people see me overall as a sweet cheery loveable but at times a bit tsundere girl xD
What’s your opinion about yourself? What would you rather change about yourself? My opinion about myself depends highly on the days to be honest, at times i wake up pissed with myself but overall i think that i'm a fighter you know? Someone that has survived a lot of hardships and right now is trying to live without any regrets, i think that i've become somehow kinder and looking to the bright side of this life instead of standing in the gloomy one. All i want to change about myself perhaps is my withdrawness, i'd love to fall in love with someone and somehow because i am so withdrawn and with my own ideas i don't accept anyone like that ahah
Of all your personal qualities, which one are you most proud of? I am definitly proud of being a survivor, in terms of qualities i believe it's a great one, the fact that i was able to stand so many hardships without losing myself, being able to live through it without wining a hatred for my life or for people, for being able to still be someone that smiles and laughs and loves life
Likes: Anime, Manga, Romantic novels, Books, Gardening, Art, Beach, Gardens, Astronomy, Astrology, Planetariums, Ocean related stuff, Figurines from anime/games, Mythology, Tv-series, Ancient History, Children, English, French, Graphic Making, Drawing, Writting, Sleeping, being lazy, video-games, shopping, Fire Emblem (to the infinite and beyond), etc....
Dislikes: Horror Movies, Overaction, Balloons, needles, allergies, Ignorant people, being sick, studying, Spicy food, bossy people, being ignored and bossed around, strong noises, being poked, over-obsessiveness, pointless people, stalkers, etc
What are you good at? At helping others, at drawing, supporting and i guess sleeping and behaving more like a mommy ahahah
What are you not so good at? Err, at being social, too social at least, not that i am anti social but i have the kind of personality that gets confused and lost in the middle of people =A=
Fears: To end up alone, to hurt the ones that i love
Goals in life: To become a good mother and a good wife and simply carry a happy life
Your motto: "You're not alone"
If you had a theme song, which song would it be? Ring a Bell: Bonnie Pink or Goodbye to You: Michelle Branch X3

[you’re not alone in the world]
What are your thoughts about friendship? Friendship is something as important as the air we breathe, it's because we have friends (it doesn't need to be a whole worldwide friendships) that we are who we are, we need them to share the happy, the sad, the silly and the serious moments of our lives, to create bonds and know that we are not alone at all ^^
Would you rather have a lot of friends or just a few close friends? Just a few close friends, having a lot of friends doesn't mean that we have a deep connection unlike the few close ones
What are your thoughts about love and romantic relationships? Romantic relationships and love....I do believe that it's a beautiful thing, to be in love, to be part of someone in a deeper way than with everyone else, to have someone to return to, to love, to cherish in a more special way, i think it's trully beautiful and also i believe that people need to love someone to feel that they are part of something special
Do you like long, serious relationships or are you more of a flirter? The living proof of a true serious relationship believer XD i hate flirting and all that =S
What are your thoughts about family? Do you care about things such as the family honour or reputation? I care a bit about my family honour, not enough to let it drive my life but enough to not let myself make a foolish figure but reputation i don't give a damn to be honest *rubbs head* I love my family, we are all very close, very disasterific, we all clash a bit because of our personalities but we all get along quite alright, i love them all and i think that they keep showing me that family is all about having each other's back :)

[let’s make a choice] (please elaborate at least a little on your answers)
Mature or immature? mostly mature, but naturally like any normal human being i have my flaws, at times i can be a bit immature
Pessimistic, realistic or optimistic? Realistic/Optimistic. I see no need to be pessimistic all the time to be honest, i'm not stupidly optimistic but i do believe that at times trying hard to see a bright side of our lives doesn't harm at all but i like to remain a realistic person, it gives me less deceivure than being a full optimistic
Listener or speaker? I can be both to be honest, although i work a lot as a listener whenever people need me but if the time comes and i need to speak, i don't mind it at all *laughs* at times i end up speaking a lot ^^
Leader or follower? Neither. I believe that i need to follow my own pace, i don't like the concepts of following or leading =S
Rational or emotional? A bit of both to tell the truth, i think that i can be quite rational but at the same time emotional with things, i mean, i am someone that feels things a lot
Confident or modest? Modest overall. I don't have 100% confidence in myself but at the same time i am not 100% modest, i think that i am a healthy balanced person here
Outgoing or shy? More like withdrawn than shy, ok i admit i am quite shy but not all the times, it mostly depends of the "vibe" that others send me, i might behave more outgoing like if the person that is talking to me has energy and seems outgoing, if the other person doesn't transmit me that much safety then i can be quite shy
Energetic or calm? Mostly calm but i might have my energetic moments if i feel like it ahahah
Short-tempered or cold-headed? Cold headed most of the cases unless people start pulling my strings in a bad way z__z
Cautious or impulsive? Cautious, at times very veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery cautious, when it comes to delicate topics but i can behave very impulsively, specially when it comes to defend others
Tidy or messy? half half, i'm not too messy but i'm not entirely tidy, i have my days *laughs*
Forgiving or vindictive? Forgiving, nothing comes out good in being vindictive, we waste too much time being like that

[ in Tellius ]
What kind of life would you like to have in this world? A mercenary life, you kidding me? Riding with everyone through the world, meeting new people everywhere and at night sing songs about our lives while we're all smiling and taking care of each other
What do you think about the laguz-beorc hatred? How do you think you’d feel about laguz if you lived in Tellius? And what if you were a laguz, how would you feel about beorcs? I was never a racist so i believe that the laguz-beorc hatred is stupid, unfundamental to be honest, laguz have a mind of their own like beorcs so i don't get why they can't live at peace with other beorcs, i mean, they are like us just with some extras, so what's the big deal?!
Do you prefer attacking at close-range, long-range or not at all?: I like running back and forth with close range attacks or long ranged, something that allows me to help everyone if i can
Are you most likely to work alone or in a group?: In a group, i'm not very physically strong so i think that having a team is somehow good, i can support and fight and at the same time feel safe with others around me C:
In the battlefield where can someone find you?(healing, attacking, supporting, etc): Probably attacking and supporting
Would you do something like joining the army to protect your country? Probably not, i can't picture myself joining an army...Alright i'd fight but not inside an army
But what is exactly the reason for you to fight?: To protect my life, my loved ones what else?
Imagine you are in the battlefield, fighting, and then suddenly you find a long lost friend fighting with the other side. What do you do? Do you try to recruit them to your cause or do you fight them? I'd probably get shocked of seeing them on the other side but i'd try my best to recruit them or at least make them stay safe and show that i am still his/her friend, i'd never be able to fight a friend like that
The leading lord has decided to recruit someone that previously belonged to the other army. What do you think about this? As long they don't betray us, everyone is always welcome in my opinion ^^
And finally, what kind of clothes would you wear in a FE world? Something simple and comfortable like a dress ahah

Anything else you'd like to add?: go you \o\

por/rd: mist

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