Hadn't posted in a while... I have fourteen pages this time! Well, fifteen, since one is a two-page spread... thingy...
Without further ado, let's go...
The bottom bit is from a game I was playing. It was a very difficult puzzle, so I figured drawing it would help me solve it... which it did. The object was to click on all the letters in alphabetical order, but you could only click letters in the ring you're in, or the line to the Z. What was even more difficult was through the whole game, they don't even explain any of the puzzles; you had to figure out what you were supposed to do in the first place.
Describing a particular day.
Festival! I tried to recreate the donation sign to the best of my abilities. XD
The top right was this year's poster, which was named "Ça Fait Chaud" (haa). And then, there's me testing out some markers 'cause I was about to do something all rainbowy... Yeah.
TEXT! Aah haaa. >.>
This page is a little hard to read because of the next page. You can kind of see that the area around the popsicle stick is pink... Basically, I started drawing on the page with the popsicle... which just made a big blob.
Nail polish! And the reason the previous page is a little hard to read.
Quite different from the page before it. Next few pages explain it. Sorta.
That's it! Let me know if anything is hard to read and I'll happily transcribe it.
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two )