Title: End of an Era
Rating: PG-13
Movie: Cruel Intentions
Character: Katherine
Genre: Angst, Drama, Ficlet, 1st POV
A/N:First Cruel Intention fanfiction. Thanks for beta'ng Wife-y! <3
“Good bye Sebastian.”
I release you.
I love you.
Don’t leave me.
Fuck me.
Take me.
Enslave me.
Just do not prove me right. Don’t prove that she means more to you then I do. The line is drawn in the shifting sands, past verse present; dark verse light.
I know you better then anyone, even your blond, perfect, suburban wife; the girl would gave you something I always wished to give you: A girl’s virginity, her prized passion, bargaining chip and gift from God.
I was a fool to believe that things would be the same after you landed dear Annette, my vanity cloaking the accuracy of my sight and perception of the events around me, around us.
Always I will wish for you to be by my side, the duo that single-handedly screwed over the society of the Manhattan Upper Class; figurative and literally. The 21st century Bonnie and Claude.
Some where along the many games that we played with the lives of others, I grew to love you, unashamed in my lusting over your everything.
With this I was forced to release you to her, to that woman for you wellbeing as well as my own. I was losing too much of myself inside and to you. There was not a lot of myself to begin with, so the risk of losing more was something I was not going to chance in the least.
I release you to another, though I had to push you off a cliff just for you to see the truth in my lies. My earlier attempts were nothing to this final act. I may have delivered you to her and the only comforts left to warm my frozen carcass in that you would have never left if I had not been determined to fend you off.
And while she may have your cracked heart, I have your soul.
And that dear brother is enough to keep me breathing.