So, I'm decided to do National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) for fun & to be a companion to
milena_1980 but looks like Im failing like a champion at it. First I've wrote about 7,000 words in this past 23 days (procastination and wanting to write other things are so evil!!!) but what I fail the most and why I should win the championship of failing Nanowrimo is because now... the Nov. 23 of 2012... just seven days away of the end of the month I realize that I need to do a mayor out-line change and I almost choke myself.
You see, what Im writing for Nanowrimo is a fanfiction that is in a original world of a original fiction I've been building and writing since early this year (but already been playing with it in my mind for a couple of years)and Im basing that fanfic in that world to play with it without the stress of building 3 dimensional characters, make them believable & genuine & relatable, etc. (it's easier if you work with actual people, with traits you already learn & you are familiar to them and you just have to go with how they would react in a certain situation) but I realize that I need to be careful with overlaping plots & the history of the world & that I need to build this fanfic in a specific time within to the world to avoid overlaping and to avoid mentions of the idols in a actual original novel.
So I go and research for a bunch of different ways of outlining until I found something that more or less fit me and even thou I change some things to make it more coherent for me I think this:
Click to view
was a great resource. Im gonna write it here (my version that is not hugely different from hers but it could be easier for anyone to hightlight and copy paste it if I write it down here).
Three Acts Structure
Act I: Set Up- Intro Protagonist(s) and the world
-Inciting Incident
-Inciting Ripples
Conflict- Problems, Disruption of the protagonist life/world
-Reaction to the Ripples
-Action towards the Ripples
-Consequence of the Action
Resolution- Change, Protagonist is pushed to the new world
-Pinch (Plot Twist 1)
-Push (Into the new world)
Act II:Set Up- New World
-Into the New World
-Experiences in the NW
-Old World vs New World (contrast)
Conflict- Crisis in the New World
-Build up to the crisis
-Midpoint (the eye of the storm)
-Reversal (Crisis come to action)
Resolution- Dedication to find the solution
-Reaction to the crisis
-Action towards the crisis
-Change of attitude
Act III:Set Up- Trials, impossible victories
-Pinch (Plot Twist 2)
-Darkest Moment
Conflict- Transformation of the protagonist
-Converge (the pull of the transformation)
Resolution- Final battle, Solve problems, Answer questions, Ending
-Epic Battle
If you see the video and read the outline I wrote down I change some things to understand it better in my mind. You can use it exactly as she explain, use it the way I change it or change it to fit yourself! Outlining structures are just blocks you can change to fit whatever you wanna write.
Thankfully all the 7,000 words fit within the outline and where I need to fit the fanfic within the world so I just need to rearrange them and write the missing parts. Awesome thing is that all the other things I've been writing are gonna go through this outline structure and will probably... most likely... get written easier & quicker so I can drop all this:
Into the finished folders (everything in the orange circles are the work in progress fics on top of the chaptered fics folder that has 9 docs of stories). If someone is asking themselves about what the hells gonna happen with Trapesista and A faint line... well I sadly cant say much about Trapesista since I wrote it with a general idea and I havent figure it out the path to take in the final chapter for it to fit the ending that is already written for this fic.
About A faint line, Im slowly writing it, thankfully I plot out the entire fic (chapter by chapter and the side stories) so Im writing the scene already in the plot and trying to flesh everything a bit more to make it better. In other words... A faint line has more hopes to get online face sooner than Trapesista and Im really sorry for that... it was seriously my bad!
So if anyone cares (I hope someone cares hahahahaha) Im not completely out of fandom (not as a writer and not as a reader) but is getting harder to separate the same amount of time I used to spend here back in the days than now. If anyone had read my past personal post (if you aren't a friend of this journal, dont worry Im gonna give a short rundown now), I've been going through some weird, rough personal times & Im making some changes that might or might not involve moving out of one country to another (and doing it alone) & well being more grown-up than usual so it cuts my internet/lj/writing/personal time a lot.
This post got way too long so Im gonna leave it here. If you read through all this or some of this: THANK YOU!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!
I hope this help someone!
So now... what's been up with you???? tell me something!!! talk to me!!!! or keep ignoring me hahahahahahahahhaa
P.S. I hope everyone had a good Thaksgiving day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.2 I forgot to say that the nanowrimo fic is not a dbsk one... sort of sorry about that... but all the things in the pics that are work in progress are dbsk fics!!!