Title: Keep the Change, You Filthy Animal Pairing: Demi/Selena Rating: PG13 Chapter: 2/2 Word Count: 4182 Summary: 1930s AU. Title from the All Time Low song and loosely inspired by that line in Home Alone.
How is it that every single story you write leaves me with a smile on my face? This is seriously some good stuff! I could see Selena and Demi actually in the '30s doing these things because of the way you write them. Great job! I'm in love with the way you write!
It took me a little while to understand exactly what was happening in this story because I was cool and didn't read the author note completely. Once I figured out that the girls weren't around 7 and this wasn't a Demi/Selena take on "Imagine Me and You" things made a lot more sense.
That being said, I really enjoyed this. It was written in a very nice way for the type of story it is. And I loved all your characters. I could see them all playing those parts. And David would be a stoner.
And I'm sorry about the RL crap overwhelming you. I hope it reins itself in and you get get back the semblance of order everyone needs :)
Comments 10
(and I feel that 'sing sing' is obviously the perfect music choice lol)
That being said, I really enjoyed this. It was written in a very nice way for the type of story it is. And I loved all your characters. I could see them all playing those parts. And David would be a stoner.
And I'm sorry about the RL crap overwhelming you. I hope it reins itself in and you get get back the semblance of order everyone needs :)
Also AWWWWW way to make a sweet ending! Love!
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