I'm really bad at this daily meme thing... XD;
Fave Companion
I have to say Rose Tyler. I love Rose herself, how she grows during the series from an ordinary girl with the potential to be extraordinary, to solving problems before the Doctor does, to becoming a great leader in her own right (ordering UNIT around, no questions asked, in Turn Left). She's intelligent, observant, compassionate, eager to learn and travel, determined to make her own decisions about her life--and yet she makes mistakes and grows from them. It's not that she can do no wrong (which, in the eyes of the Doctor, let's face it, is pretty close to true), it's that she learns from what she does wrong and doesn't do it again.
Also, I like how the Doctor is when she's around. He's this big kid, bursting to show Rose the universe, happy and smiling. Big difference between Ten-with-Rose and Ten-without-Rose.
Whatever Tickles My Fancy
That's a bit of a broad topic. Erm. Have a Hamlet quote: The time is out of joint; O cursed spite, / That ever I was born to set it right!
Fave Music
I love the two songs, "Song for Ten" and "Love Don't Roam," but if you're talking purely instrumental, then "The Impossible Planet" from TIP/TSP. Absolutely glorious music, there. It's the kind of instrumental music I like, with the low strings--reminds me of the music from "Firefly," which I also loved. "The Doctor's Theme" is also lovely, and used to great effect.
Who-Related Photo That Makes Me Happy
Oh, god, I've got to pick just one? Er... This one:
Oh, come on! It's David Tennant and a KITTEN! There's this icon where the kitten is actually on DT's shoulder, which is also ADORABLE. And because I did the helmetkiss elsewhere.
Who-Related Photo That Makes Me Angry/Sad
Do I have any of those? Lemme look... Oh, yes...
End of "Doomsday". Always has me in tears.
Day 11 - Your Favourite Season (Classic or New)
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 13 - Your Favourite Villain
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Day 15 - Favourite Who-Related Tumblr
Day 16 - Your Favourite Who-Related FanFic
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site
Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video
Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 25 - Favourite Who Actor
Day 26 - Favourite Who Actress
Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made
Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself
Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy