Paradox of Love 15/17

Feb 10, 2014 08:07

By unspoken agreement, Gibbs took on the steaks while Tim handled the rest of the meal. He expected the large potatoes to be seasoned, wrapped in foil and tossed into the coals while the grill reached the right temperature for the meat. Instead, Tim smiled and vanished into the kitchen with the potatoes, leaving Gibbs and Tony watching the grill.

"What's he going to do with them?"

Tony grinned; he wasn't a hundred percent sure, but he had a pretty good idea. A few minutes later he could smell bacon frying and he had his answer. "Don't worry, they're going to be good."

"Well, yeah, they're going to be good - Tim's fixing them but that doesn't answer my question." Moving away from the smoke off the grill, Gibbs caught a whiff of what was already happening in the kitchen. "Do I smell bacon?"


Giving up on getting a straight answer from DiNozzo, and needing to get the steaks out of the fridge to warm up, Gibbs retreated to the kitchen. He didn't see the potatoes, but Tim was standing next to the stove, cooking a pan full of chopped bacon. When Tim stepped away for a moment, Gibbs snuck a peek in the oven and saw the potatoes in there, each wrapped in foil, open at the top.

"You want to throw those in the coals?"

"Nah, if the butter leaks, it'll cause a flare-up. Besides, that grill is a little small to do everything and I'd rather send the bread out."

Gibbs watched as Tim slathered a loaf of thickly sliced bread with a mixture of butter, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese and something else. Leaning closer, he took a sniff. "Is that Gorgonzola cheese?"

"It sure is." Slices coated, Tim reassembled the loaf and tightly wrapped it in two layers of foil before handing it to Gibbs. "Here, we want this hot enough, long enough, to be crunchy on the edges..."

"And melty in the middle?"

"You got it." Smiling, Tim turned back to the stove and stirred the bacon.

Gibbs held the wrapped bread up to his face and took a deep breath. Even through the two layers of foil he could smell the garlic and the cheese. "The one thing I haven't figured out..." He waited until Tim looked up at him. "Why doesn't Tony weigh about three hundred pounds?" Laughing, he left the kitchen, pausing at the door and turning back when Tim spoke.

"I make sure he burns it all off, Jethro." With a sultry smile, Tim licked the remnants of the butter off his thumb, then laughed as he checked the oven and laughed again when Gibbs missed the door on his way out.


"Open door, then walk through. Always works better that way." Tony smirked as Gibbs finally arrived on the porch, then walked down the steps to join him by the grill. Gibbs just snickered and shook his head as Tony explained. "Takes a few days for him to really relax, no matter what. Once he does... oh, man, is it good."

"That's what I want tonight. I want to watch him with you."

"Yeah? Want to watch him take me?"

"Oh, yeah."


Gibbs had always considered himself a meat and potato man - as long as you considered the potato as a filler when there wasn't enough meat. Tonight he was reevaluating the philosophy. The potatoes Tim had fixed were something that had him seriously ignoring his own steak for the moment.

Thin slices, cut most of the way through, butter and slivers of garlic wedged in between the slices before they were baked in the oven. The foil had kept the butter and seasonings in the potato while the open top had allowed them to brown. Bacon and cheese had been added over the top near the end of the baking time and then a final layer of sour cream and green onions finished them off.

The bread had been a close second as far as Gibbs was concerned and he didn't even complain about the salad McGee threw together. Finally finished, Gibbs pushed his plate back and smiled. "That really hit the spot, Tim, thank you. I'm looking forward to having you cook for Tony and me more, either here or back in DC. You guys come out here much in the Winter?"

"Not as much as we'd like to. The road's pretty rough for either of our cars in Winter. Tony did like driving that Jeep this weekend, though."

"Yeah, the extra ground clearance was nice." Tony grinned as he thought about it. "Definitely worth renting this weekend, might even be worth buying. That way we could come out here more in the Winter. We talked about it a little bit before you got here - it could be my middle age crisis. Instead of a sports car, I get a SUV. Be fun to see the reactions."

Gibbs could picture the gossip over that one. "Yeah, it would be. There's always my truck. You guys can borrow it whenever you want." He hesitated, then plunged in with both feet. "Or, the three of us could just drive out here together."

"That sounds much better."

"Might be a little cramped."

This time it was Tim that gave him a little nudge. "You say that like it's a bad thing, Jethro."

Point taken, Gibbs laughed softly and shook his head. "Okay, until you guys buy something better, we'll use my truck to get out here if the roads are bad. What's it usually like in the Winters?"

Tim looked out the window. "Beautiful, but cold. The wind really whips down the valley. Having electric heat to supplement the fireplace will be nice though. The walls are in good shape, but we loose a lot of heat through the roof. That's our next big project, so probably in the Spring. Gonna rip off the old shake roof and put in some serious insulated panels, then a metal roof."

Gibbs had seen all the work they had to do on the aging shake roof. "That will cut down on your maintenance. Gonna add solar while you're at it?"

Tim had already worked through the numbers. "Eventually we might add solar panels, but with the amount of shade, it really wouldn't be cost effective unless we cut down those two big trees on the south side. I've actually been looking into a wind turbine system. They've been coming out with more compact designs that are still pretty efficient. That'll have to wait another year or so, though."

Nothing was said, but the raised eyebrow asked anyway and Tony shrugged. "My building is going condo sometime in the next couple of years so I have to either move or buy into it. If I have to sink a lot of money into someplace, we'd rather it be something that we can share, like we talked about earlier."

"Chances are pretty slim about finding someplace, but on the off chance we do, I don't want to have all my cash tied up here on something that will takes years to pay for itself." Tim snagged another piece of bread and tore it in half. "Like I said, chances are that we won't find anything, but..."

"But you keep looking and hoping." Gibbs finished his thought with a nod. "In the meantime, I'll make sure we can get at least one long weekend when we're not on call and the snow isn't too deep."

Tony thought about the three of them and a roaring fire in the fireplace. "We need a bearskin rug." He waggled his eyebrows and both Tim and Gibbs knew exactly where he was going with that.

"A faux one." When Tony and Gibbs both turned to look at him, he elaborated. "Washable."

"Good point."

"Smart man." The idea of Tony and Tim naked and sweaty on the rug, the firelight casting a golden glow on them had Gibbs swallowing down the last of his beer, not interested in a second bottle. The other two saw the heated expression on his face and followed suit, getting the table cleared off in record time.


Quick showers were had, individually as to avoid temptation, and when Gibbs emerged from the bathroom, Tim had a game plan.

"Tony tells me you want to watch."

Gibbs nodded, his throat suddenly dry. Tony was laying spread out on the bed and Tim was standing next to it, both of them naked. Tim reached out and tugged away the towel that was wrapped around Gibbs' midsection.

"Watching means you can't touch until you have permission."

Gibbs nodded again, almost embarrassed at how quickly he was becoming erect.

"That means you can't touch yourself either." Tim smirked a bit at the expression on Jethro's face as that clarification, then pointed to the corner of the bed. "Sit there, however is most comfortable, as long as your legs are spread and your cock isn't touching or being touched by anything."

It was reminiscent of their first time, down by the creek, but this time it was Tim calling all the shots. Over the weekend he'd seen Tim gaining in strength and confidence and was looking forward to seeing what the younger man would do.

As Gibbs watched, Tim climbed up onto the bed, between Tony's outspread legs. Tony's cock was already erect and Tim bent down to gently kiss the tip, the tenderness almost undoing Gibbs. He'd enjoyed watching Tim suck on Tony earlier, but this time, Tim lifted Tony's legs and rolled him up onto his shoulders.

"Oh, yeah." Tony seemed pleased with whatever Tim had planned and braced himself ass straight up, knees up by his shoulders, while Tim leaned over and reached into the nightstand. He slipped on a pair of gloves before getting out a foil square. Gibbs thought he had pulled out a condom, but when the package was opened, it was a flat square of latex and Gibbs realized it was one of the dental dams that Tim had threatened Tony with earlier.

"Strawberry flavored?" Gibbs knew the theory behind them, but had never used one, or had one used on him, before so he watched intently as Tim laid it out on the back of Tony's thigh where it was out of the way but easily accessible.

Tim then dripped some lube on Tony's hole and slid one gloved finger inside him. "Yeah, never liked the taste of latex and strawberry is one of the few flavors that don't taste nasty and artificial." He worked one finger for a few minutes before adding a second one. When Tony was humming in pleasure, Tim pulled his fingers out and carefully removed the gloves before he laid the dam in place over Tony well-lubed ass. The ease in which Tim handled the transition between finger play and mouth play showed that this wasn't the first time they'd done this.

Sitting on his heels, knees spread, Gibbs leaned close and carefully watched as Tim used the tip of his tongue to circle Tony's hole. Even through the opaque shield he could see Tony's ass twitching and flexing. "That feel good, Tony?"

Tony was groaning and keening and struggled to concentrate enough to answer the question. "So good, so good."

It hadn't been that long and Tony was already shaking as his cock dribbled pre-come down onto his stomach. Tim shifted slightly and Tony shuddered and let out a long drawn out curse. Now Tim was alternating between circling around his hole with his tongue stiff and pointed and lapping over his hole with his tongue wide and flat and Gibbs found that it took all of his concentration not to touch Tim or Tony or himself. "Oh, fuck."

Tim didn't lift off of Tony, but he smiled as he continued to work Tony.

Tony licked his lips and rolled his head to the side enough to look directly at Gibbs with a heated expression. "You ever been rimmed, Jethro?"

A week ago he would have scoffed at the very idea. "Not yet."

With Tony slightly distracted by Gibbs, Tim changed his attack again. This time he stiffened his tongue and pushed at the very center of Tony asshole, previously loosened by his fingers. Tony howled and Tim proceeded to tongue fuck him until he was babbling and begging to be fucked.

Eventually, Tim pulled back, lightly rubbing a fingertip over Tony's latex covered hole. "You sure, Tony? You ready for my cock instead of my tongue?"

"Why can't I have both?"

Gibbs laughed at the wailing question. "If there's a way to do it, Tim will figure it out."

By now Tim had rolled on a condom and raised up, dropping the dam on top of the discarded gloves. Tony loved and hated this position, still up on his shoulders while they fucked. Tim could keep him on the edge forever and Tony had to use his arms to balance so he couldn't touch his own cock to speed things along.

In one smooth motion Tim pushed into Tony until his balls were up against Tony's butt crack. Buried, he stayed there to give Tony a minute to adjust and looked over at Gibbs. The older man was panting through clenched teeth, his knuckles white where they were clutching the blanket. Smiling, he decided to wind them both up a little bit more as he slowly started to rock just a tiny bit.

"What do you think, Tony? Would Jethro enjoy that? Just imagine our next time out here, all three of us. You laying on your back, legs wrapped around Jethro's waist and his dick buried in your ass while I show him exactly what it's like to get rimmed." Tim looked over at Gibbs again with a smile. "Him not moving at all, just the throbbing of his cock while I work him. Or, maybe..." Tim started moving deeper but still very slowly in and out of Tony, his words slow and he struggled to focus on teasing his bedmates instead of the heat of Tony's body surrounding his own cock.

A soft growl from Gibbs got him back on track. "Or maybe, we'll start out with Jethro on his back first, with me over him." For a third time, Tim turned his head toward Gibbs. "Yeah, my dick in your mouth while I rim you and Tony fucks me. How does that sound? Imagine watching Tony sliding in and out of my ass while I circle my tongue around your ass?"

"Damn." Gibbs had been determined not to come just from watching like a randy teen again, but he was afraid he was going to lose the battle. Tim had been increasing his pace and now said the magic words.

"Come closer."

Gibbs did just that, knee walking over next to them, his cock bouncing against his stomach with each step and he hissed.

Tim was going full force and Tony was begging to come, trying to reach for himself to finish the job but Tim kept him off-balance just enough that he couldn't. "No, Tony, you can't come until Jethro comes all over your cock first."

Permission given, Gibbs started fisting himself. It didn't take long before his balls tightened up against his body. He gave a shout as he followed Tim's instructions, coating Tony's balls and then his dick. It was just seconds later that Tony climaxed as he shuddered and cursed. When Tony's ass clamped down on him, Tim finally gave in to the sensations, his hips moving fast and furiously until he, too, reached his climax.

Gibbs' legs were shaking, so he could only imagine how Tony and especially Tim were feeling at that moment. When Tim started to pull out of Tony Gibbs reached up to balance him and then, when he was free, pulled him down into the space between he and Tony. With little grace Tony let his legs fall to the mattress and smiled.

"Damn, that was good."

"Yeah, sure looked it." Wanting to take care of them, Gibbs slipped out of the bed and returned a minute later with a couple of warm, wet washcloths. With more tenderness than he'd shown anyone since Shannon he removed Tim's condom and washed both he and Tony before climbing back into the bed. Supporting himself on one arm, Gibbs looked down at the two of them. He brushed the hair back off of Tim's face before squeezing Tim and Tony's joined hands. "How'd I get so lucky?"

Tony looked over at Tim before answering for both of them. "We were thinking we're the lucky ones."

threesome, ncis, fiction, paradox, nc-17

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