His Two Dads Finished Fic

Oct 12, 2015 08:26

Title: His Two Dads
Rating: Gen, all ages
Aprox Word Count: 30,000
Spoilers: None, set during Season 12

Summary: When things fall apart between McGee and Delilah, Admiral McGee sees one last chance to reach out to his son. However, he'll need some help. Team as family. Written for the 2015 NCIS Big Bang.

My thanks go out to two wonderful people ( Read more... )

ncis, gen, fiction, big bang

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Comments 6

New story brinohms October 12 2015, 16:07:09 UTC
It won't let me read it.


Re: New story emerald_green37 October 12 2015, 16:11:13 UTC
It wouldn't let me post it. Actually, it would post, just without any formatting. The story is up at AO3 now, I've edited this to give the link.


ncisrox October 12 2015, 18:28:11 UTC
How exciting to see a new post from you! I'm heading over to AO3 now to download. I've missed your story telling.


emerald_green37 October 12 2015, 21:08:01 UTC
Thanks. Hope you like it. Another one is coming on the 21st.


honor_reid October 13 2015, 04:59:07 UTC
LJ has been a pain as far as posting stories here lately.

Story sounds awesome! Will hopefully be able to read it soon. :)


emerald_green37 October 14 2015, 05:30:10 UTC
Yep, all the formatting vanishes and I'm left with one massive block of text. I'm sure there's a simple fix, but I didn't have time to fuss with it. Hope you like it - it's up on AO3 in full and I'm posting a chapter or two a day on FF.net and NFA


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