Captivity 1/1 (H/C) bingo story 3

Jan 11, 2016 18:15

CaptivitySeasick, that was his first though, but even that wasn't right. Tim struggled to sort out what he was feeling - he hurt, really hurt, all over and there was a burning pain just below his shoulder. Bullet wound, most likely. He was nauseous and whatever dark place he was in was rocking. More details finally reported in and the smell of ( Read more... )

ncis, h/c bingo, fiction

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Comments 9

honor_reid January 13 2016, 00:08:33 UTC
Oh Wow! That last scene with McGee was very intense. Your story seriously had me on the edge of my seat.

I am loving all the teamwork back at NCIS and how Tim is defending himself.

This is very well written. Can't wait for more! Thanks!


emerald_green37 January 13 2016, 04:32:39 UTC
Thanks! I'm very pleased with the way this series is coming together. It's fun to write fast and tight once in a while. Next one in the series is almost done, then one more after that.


ncisrox January 13 2016, 10:02:56 UTC
I continue to be extremely impressed by the way you're pulling this story together. I love the fast pace and that even with a story that is so much shorter, you're still true to your very wonderfully detailed style. The whole Tim-in-a-cage with torturous psychos right outside is terrifying. I love this so much that I'll even forgive you for the Tim in peril cliffhanger! You know I like him all safe and sound as quickly as possible (but after the angsty mayhem, must have that...)


emerald_green37 January 14 2016, 08:10:22 UTC
Thank you. I had a blast with this. Actually, with writing in general. Right now I'm bouncing between the next story for this bingo card and the first bingo for my trope bingo. Tentacle porn. Yep, you heard it right. Tentacle porn, with an Emerald twist.


stowber January 14 2016, 23:33:08 UTC
I love this story


emerald_green37 January 15 2016, 03:29:56 UTC
Thanks so much. Welcome aboard.


stowber January 17 2016, 12:19:13 UTC
I love the way you write .I found your writing almost 2 years ago and I haven't found one yet that I didn't like. You portray all your characters so well . I love Tim McGee and love seeing what you do with him in all your stories .I know you must hear it all the time but I'm in my late 40's and I love reading I re read your stories 3 Or 4 times and never get tired of them . Take care


emerald_green37 January 19 2016, 17:00:22 UTC
Aww, thank you so much. I love writing and have so many ideas brewing all the time, from little PWP's to huge, drawn out, plot heavy pieces. Now that I've found a work-around for the formatting issues at both LJ and DW, I'll start posting more of my stories here.


stowber January 20 2016, 02:23:31 UTC
cant wait to read more of your stories weather there w i p's or new stories .
Im so glad you keep writing .


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