Secret Agent Man 1/2

Jan 30, 2016 13:25

H/C Bingo prompt - Secret Identity
Gen, rating: teen
two parts, complete
Loved the prompt, plus I've always been annoyed that they never ever touched on Delilah's emotional recovery.  Add in the fact that she's never been my favorite character and this was born.

Secret Agent Man

Midnight phone calls from unknown numbers rarely led to good ( Read more... )

ncis, h/c bingo, gen, fiction

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Comments 6

ncisrox January 30 2016, 23:05:27 UTC
This is so great. I can't believe you're doing this in just two chapters. Coming from you, something this juicy and amazing makes me feel like settling in for a nice long read from my favorite author. That being said, as with your other bingo pieces, you've packed an incredible amount into this first half. I'm so not surprised by McGee refusing to file charges, or by Gibbs going directly into Papa Bear mode upon hearing that his youngest boy is in trouble. Tony and Zoe stepping in and working to figure things out like a well-oiled machine is great. I love Tony getting in Delilah's face like a buddy, and seeming to blame McGee immediately to stop her freakout while Zoe slowly and systematically goes through their apartment, collecting evidence and keeping Gibbs apprised of the situation. And then the shocker at the end. I can't imagine why or how he managed to hide something so major for so long. I can't wait to see how the other half of this plays out.


emerald_green37 January 31 2016, 17:03:34 UTC
Packing a punch is my major goal for these shorter stories. I tend to get bigger all the time, so it's a good exercise for me to pull it back in, so to speak. Second half is coming up soon, just needs one final edit.


honor_reid January 31 2016, 01:13:19 UTC
Wow that is quite a chapter. Poor Tim no one deserves that kind of violence. I am glad Gibbs was able to help him and getting Tony and Zoe involved was awesome.

I was just as shocked as Dinozzo when I read that last bit. That is a lot of money.

Can't wait to read the next part! Thanks!


emerald_green37 January 31 2016, 17:04:54 UTC
No one does. Now to see the fall-out from the truth being revealed. Next part up in a bit.


bymagajones February 3 2016, 02:02:10 UTC
This is the perfect place to end the first part - always keep 'em wanting more!


emerald_green37 February 9 2016, 20:27:37 UTC
Thanks. Some scenes scream end of chapter and this was one.


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