Today has been ok, but maybe a bit shit. This is exactly it if you would care to read it...
I woke up half an hour late, but it didnt matter too much cos it was
assembly, but i was going to go in early to do Spanish in the library
that i knew i wouldnt be bothered to do at home.
But then i walked to school and found out there wasnt assembly, but
that didnt matter so i could do my Spanish. So I sat in the
library and did that.
Then at 10 the pips went and i walked down, along and up once to english which is actually in a wet textiles room.
Then I sat down and had quite a good lesson surprisingly, as it was
with Mr. Gilbert. Then I went out and walked to my locker to pick
up my biology stuff, then i walked up the stairs ion the sixth form
block , to see amy and she asked me how to spell "coincidence" and I
said "C-O-I-N-C-I-D-E-N-C-E"
Then i ws going to tell her a joke, but she said "save it for
biology". So then I saw B+R+S+S+B+C+N+E and then the pips went so
I went to biology con amy and then in biology we had a very boring
lesson with The Original Ms.X, then an OK lesson with The other Ms. X
(what a manic coincidence that both our biology teachers have names
that start in X) about cancer and why it happens. Did you know of
all the kids born in y2000, have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer
in their lives?
Then FINALLY at 12.50 the pips went and I walked to Becky's and
ate my luch (Home-made chutney, cheese and lettuce sandwich,
hula-hoops, apple)
Then at 1.20 we walked back to do reading buddies, and my girl was
THERE! so Ardita read to me for 20 minutes, and I wrote on her pink
form "This book isnt challenging enough for ardita anymore!" cos she
was dead good.
Then at1.40 I can't actually remeber..oh, I went up to amy in the sfblock and talked to herfor a while.
Then I went to spanish, where Becky and I wrote a presentation on why
drug education shuld be lowered to primary school (we dont really feel
that strongly on it, but...) and she kept wanting to write things like
"It seems injust that children from educated parents are more informed
about drugs" and i kept thinking "I wish I could actually do spanish"
Then after a double period of that I went to English and annotated a
text from Wise Children with Natasha, Becky and Melissa. Then it
was 4.20 and I talked to Mr. Bull about his kid Mya, who sounds really
cute, and then me and susu got the G1 home and I read her
Grazia. One of the articles annoyed me - "In a bikini at 40-
right or WRONG?!" shutupp.
Then I got off the bus and walked from clapham south, and then I came
home, did a wee, turned on the computer and the telly, wrote an email,
then started writing this.
Then I went out to turn on the heating and ate a hun garian chocolate
biscuit m y mum made at the weekend aand get a pair of gloves, and I am
now typing with my dads gloves on, which are too big and getting in the
way. Oh and now I'm saing "Who is that?... Ahh Akon!" and turning
over to... adverts.
My mum will be back at 8 cos she's at the hospital.
I do miss my dad, but there's now way he will get better at home.
He was ok, well as ok as you can be, but after the chemotherapy he's started being really really ill, like he couldn't even get upstairs on sunday.
Really couldn't.
I hate it cos i'm supposed to be feeling bad, and I know I do beneath, adn I feel really really bad, and i'm finding myself unabe to do work and stuff, butin my head i dont link it with that, i just think im being lazy and then i think well, yeah fuck it, i have a reason to be upset, but then i think im just being selfish. I even sometimes secretly am pleaseed hes not here, cos he gets on my nerves cos he lies on the sofa all day every day and it smells, which i know isn't his fault cos its the steoids they pump him with. but i REALLY so so sos ososososososojpadhsrg much want him to get better cos...well, having it at the back of my mind, even if i dont realise its that, is annoying. and i dont want to have to worry. On saturday he couldnt tlak properly to help me with homewrok, and now i realise that he has his uses, and i cant fix stuff wihtuot him here cos he's like really clever, and he has everything, like adheisive.
And then i realised i had been on livejournal for an hour.