Longest distance ever travelled: To Las Vegas from Indianapolis.
Farthest north: Duluth, MN.
Farthest south: Orlando, FL
Farthest east: New York, NY.
Farthest west: Las Vegas, NV.
Closest to the equator: Orlando, FL.
Highest mountain: The Smokey Mountains. Gatlinburg, TN.
Lowest point: I have no clue.....
Hottest temperature: Tulsa, OK in the middle of summer... it was about 110 degrees..
Coldest temperature: haha, Minnesota (suprise) about 2 years ago I was here when it was about -15.
Most countries visited in one year: Never been out of the country
Furthest north/south distance traversed in one year: Hm. I guess from Indy to Orlando... I told you this would be boring..
Number of continents visited: 1