Because I had too much fun with this the last time.
The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What's up with
poodlesheep?She's just in an art rut, that's all.What historical figure does
charisangel most remind you of?Eleanor Roosevelt, because she's nice and smart and stuff.Who on your friends list would get along best with
versioneclipse?Lone. Duh. XDWhat would the minions of
wasachu's army look like?Kurage!!What does
ffg_fgm look for in a significant other?Someone who likes trees. ^__~What is
bunny_san's fantasy?It involves a beach and a boyfriend... I won't elaborate on the details.What does
zionchild think of America's involvement in Iraq?Oh geez. I think he's for the war, but I'm really not sure.What would
kiyoshikujono do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?She'd buy art supplies... and then she'd buy ashitload of Pixie Stix and get seriously high with all of her friends. XDWhat is the most insightful thing you have heard
atackjackyl say?Uhh... well, she's made all kinds of good points about various issues. I think one of her better "rants" was about women's rights.Is
devthemagister's spoon too big?...I hope that's not supposed to mean anything dirty.What is
meto's favorite book?Good god I have NO clue.How long have you known
grinn_elusive?I already answered that one last time.How did you meet
gothicah?Art Club, 7th grade.What kind of book would
vjcommunist and
empress_bunn jointly write?The Art of Getting What You WantWhat do you think of
sp_kf's family?I don't know them, so I can't really say.It's all
phreakie_teiris's fault, isn't it?No it's not. It's not her fault at all, and she should not feel like it is. It's not HIS fault either. One can't help it if they fall out of love.Will
spinnah ever amount to anything?He's gonna be president someday, I swear.What is
chibi_kuro_neko's favorite movie?Uhhh... The Last Unicorn? *shrug*Is
daniyah hiding under your bed right now?I sure as hell hope not... there's lots of dust bunnies under there.What's the last thing you said to
metonnika?I honestly don't remember. Probably "bye"Can
kimpire raise the dead to perform common household tasks?I hope not. If he can, then I'm switching to Judaism(sp?) so I can raise the dead too. :DWhat is
mwolfie's religion?Christian or Catholic. I can never tell the difference.Can
elipson_delta solve a Rubik's Cube?Errrr... I doubt it. ^^;Is
loneswolf best described as a badger, a mushroom, or a snake?Snake. She's kinda bitter towards certain people (I don't blame her for it), so she kinda lurks in the shadows in a way. It's hard to really describe. -_oWhy did
kazukikouno cross the road?Because her friends dared her to.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?