Okay, so I wanted to play Oregon Trail again... here's the new setup:
Banker, meaning I start out with $1600 (booya!)
Team is Lindsi, Emmy, Blade, Antonea, and Pandora. I decided to leave the twins behind, since they survived last time- that and Blue kept getting friggin sick.
3rd try:
- started in March
- ferried across the first river, but tipped over in the second river. Nobody drowned, yay!
- "April 4th: Antonea gets typhoid." Poor kid.
- "April 6th: Pandora has a fever." She's probably just pissed at everyone else.
- "April 15th: Emmy has dysentery." GOD. These guys keep getting the runs, I swear! XD
- I keep getting really good luck... been finding all kinds of abandoned wagons!
Awesome, halfway there. I think.
- "April 27th: Antonea has a broken arm." Probably from trying to keep her grandmother from KILLING everyone.
- Aaargh! One of my hunting trips left me with 1027 pounds of meat! But, 100 is the maximum. DAMNIT ALL! Fucking buffalos!
- Hmm. Lost the trail, again. There's only one guy, so that can't be the problem...
- Now we're right next to a river and somehow keep getting "bad water" "very little water." WTF?
- Ferries rule. End of story.
- "June 10th: Emmy has typhoid." MORE typhoid? Geez. I blame the beavers. DAMN YOU BEAVERS!
- "June 11th: a thief comes and steals 7 oxen." Damn, 7 out of 8 oxen. Looks like Blue got her revenge for me not taking her along. XD
- "June 28th: Antonea has cholera." Aww, now Tonie's the one getting sick all the time.
- "July 5th: Pandora has exhaustion." See, that's what you get for being mean.
- "July 6th: Emmy has dysentery." AGAIN?!?!?
- "July 10th: Pandora has died." Oh no. What a tragedy.
- "July 30th: Emmy has a broken arm." AGAIN?! Jesus! She just keeps breaking herself!
- "August 2nd: Antonea has typhoid." Another case of the runs.
- "August 2nd: One of the oxen is injured." One of the ONE oxen I have. God.
- another wrong trail, geez...
- "August 28th: Emmy has a broken arm." *SIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHH...*
- "August 30th: Emmy is lost. Lose 3 days." They found her on the first day, it just took an extra two to convince her to come back. XD
- "September 15th: Blade has cholera." And the diarrhea spreads to the man of the group.
- "September 20th: A thief comes in the night and steals 31 pounds of food." DAMMIT! I JUST WENT HUNTING!
- "Impassable trail. Lose 10 days." Ack. Again with the poor navigational skills.
- "October 23rd: Emmy has a fever." No, she's just sick of listening to Lindsi and Blade argue.
- "November 20th: Emmy has a broken leg." I'm surprised she's still alive.
- I keep running out of food dammit.
- "November 25th: Emmy has a broken leg." Emmy, quit getting out of the wagon. You'll only hurt yourself further.
- "December 1st: A thief comes in the night and steals 4 oxen." Who's supposed to be watching the oxen?! Blue keeps coming by and stealing them!
- "December 7th: Emmy has died." AGAI- oh wait. Damn. Well, now it's up to Antonea to keep the peace. Good luck kiddo. XD
- "December 22nd: Blade has a fever." No, he's in mourning. Plus he's sensing his impending doom.
Made it to Oregon! Yay! Now for my score...
Everyone was in poor health, so I really only got 1112 points. Boo.
It is now 3:11 AM, and I have to wake up at 9:30. I'm off to bed, then! Ta~