Feb 01, 2007 18:06

▶ What is the character you've drawn the most ▶(Can be original or fanart)
Probably Em.

▶ What colour do you often use?

▶ Any colour you are bad at using?

▶ When drawing people, where do you start?
Head shape.

▶ What is a character only your eraser will love?
Pandora. I seem to be the only person who likes her, even though she's a BITCH to draw.

▶ Which of your works took the longest time?
There's one that I'm working on in OC using my tablet, and I've definitely spent a LOT of time on it. Five-plus hours so far, methinkst. As far as finished works go, though... probably the one I did ever so long ago of Dehj and Nore. Yanno, the one with the vines and the stained glass and that damn potted plant XD

▶ What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing?
Watch cartoons and take notice of whatever area I need improvement in. Nowadays I've been having trouble with pants/crotches, which is a little awkward to be looking at someone's junk.

▶ What do you think of the art of the person who gave you this picture you stole this meme from?
I got a picture from someone? Huh?
I stole this from Dev after seeing it also in Spin's journal, so I guess I'll compliment them both... I like their styles a lot, and try to learn from them. Dev's got this awesome cartoony style that I wish I could see more often (hinthint). Spin's art is... very unique. What else can I say? He knows it's awesome; everyone always tells him that. So yeah, it's "unique."

▶ What art tools/media are you good with?
If I had to choose one, though, I think I'm good with my special pencil. *shrug*

▶ Art tools/media you are bad at?
Paint, clay, printmaking...

▶ What do you think about your own art?
Sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it. I'm kind of in transition mode right now.

▶ Do you consult magazines for your drawings?
You mean like Us magazine? Not on your life.

▶ What do you like about your art?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I like the chibi exressions I sometimes do, I guess. I asked Lin what she likes about it, so I'm gonna use her answer: "It's cute, and elegant at the same time. You draw hands awesomely, and the poses are always neat. ..And I like their outfits"
ego: *inflates*

▶ What habits do you have while drawing?
If I need to use my hands for something, I'll hold my pencil/paintbrush/whatever sideways in my mouth. I also have a tendency to space out.

▶ Are you good at drawing faces facing right?
What an odd question. I guess so...

▶ How frequently do you draw?
When I feel like it, dammit.

▶ What do you do when you have artist's block?
Get pissy and watch TV.

▶ What must you have when you draw?
My special pencil and eraser stick, as well as paper to draw on. Music is preferred, but optional.

▶ Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)?
Not really, no. I erase as I go.

▶ What is drawing to you?
It is... drawing? I'unno. A way to jot down ideas in my head without writing any words, since my writing sucks.

▶ Your goal from now on
As far as art goes? To improve. Everything else? Get over my depression so I can get off my meds.

▶ Artists you've had influence from?
EVERBUDDY. Namely Brit, Sarah, Preston, Dev, Teese (when I was younger, but now I'm better than she is so HA), and some weirdo by the name of Walt Disney.

▶ Artists you like?
My artist friends, and most of the people I watch on DA.

▶ Which is easier to draw, humans or animals?

▶ Please tell us the title(s) of your own comic(s)
The Otherside. There's an explanation for the title, but I'm too lazy to explain right now.

▶ Show us an old picture

▶ What is the charm-point of your art?
Charm-point? Uh... I guess it would be either the expressions or the outfits.

▶ What is the first thing you would draw if we're talking about fantasy?
A sorceress, or an angel/demon person. Or, I'd draw little swirlies :D

▶ Please draw your most beloved character:

C'mon, who DOESN'T love her? (Sorry the colors are weird, blame Photobucket)

▶ When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex?
Errr... most of them are female. I try to create male characters, but they all end up looking the same. If they don't look all girly, then they're usually evil. Or a pedophile.

▶ What did you draw yesterday?
A silly chibi of myself.

▶ What is the funnest part to draw?
Heads and arms.

▶ What part of other people's drawings do you notice first?

▶ Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw?
Draw the foreground first. Then get too lazy to add a background.

▶ What colour coordinations do you like?
magenta + violet
blue + white (+ silver)
orange/brown + green
red + orange + yellow, but only if the three are together
purple + green (or orange)
any neon color (except yellow) + black

▶ What character did you last draw?
Emmy, up there. Yeesh, they should ask this BEFORE asking to draw your "most beloved character"

▶ Does your style change easily?
It changes a little bit each time I draw.

▶ What part of drawing do you pay most attention to?
Making it not look odd.

▶ How do you feel about drawing H pictures?
EDIT: I asked Lin and she says "H pictures" are Hentai.
I don't even draw bare tits if I can avoid it.

▶ Do you like criticism from others?

▶ How many people do you normally draw per artwork?
One or two.

As for the crush thing, I've decided not to really persue it unless he makes moves to do so. We already discussed the possibility of dating, then agreed never to speak of it again.
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