Another meme? WTF MAN.

Apr 26, 2008 20:51

1) full name?
Anna Margaret "Raven" (No, I'm not giving out my last name on the interwebs D:<)

2) male/female?

3) were you named after anyone?
I know my dad's mom was named Margaret, and she died four days before I was born. Don't know why, since she was abusive... o_Oa

4) does your name mean anything?
In Hebrew it means "full of grace" XD Yeah, RIGHT.

5) nickname(s)?
Na, Nana, Noon, Noonle, Emi, Emer, Loser, Anuska...

6) what do you think you look like?
Um... caucasian (sp?) female with dark brown hair. Chubby, but curved in the right places. Have bluegreen eyes, long eyelashes, and a short, rounded nose. Two piercings, one in each earlobe. Somewhat large hands, usually have long nails. Red freckles all down the outer arms, but underarms are pale and smooth. I usually wear long men's pants from Hot Topic and a random tee-shirt that goes past my waistline. Outside I wear sneakers, but indoors I just wear socks.

7) date of birth?
July 3rd, 1987

8) place of birth and current location?
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kiev, Ukraine

9) nationality?
3/4 Polish, 1/4 Irish

10) astrology sign?

11) chinese astrology sign?

12) religion?
Agnostic. I know what I believe, but it doesn't call into a category so I'll just go with that one.

13) what's your favorite smell?
Hm. I like citrus smells... oh, and roses. I'm a sucker for roses.

14) political position?
Liberal Democrat. I'd probably be disowned otherwise XD

15) what do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water or juice, to take my meds with.

16) hair + eye color?
Dark brown (kind of reddish from dyeing), teal-gray.

17) do you look like anyone famous?
I don't think so.

18) what do you look like?
See question #6.

19) any unusual talents?
I can only pay attention if I'm drawing, or writing what's being said. Also, I've got a really good sense of direction and navigation. Mostly, I can backtrack pretty much anywhere.

20) righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?

21) gay, straight, bi, or other?
Bi, but I prefer men.

22) what do you do for a living?

23) what do you do for fun?
Play video games, read webcomics, chat with Lin or my sister.

24) materials to work with?
.5 mm mechanical pencil(s), 01 or 005 micron pens, Prismacolor markers, Prismacolor colored pencils, Wacom tablet, or any combination of materials listed.

25) what kind of materials would you like to work with?
I hear Copics are good.

26) have you met your grandparents?
Two of four. As I said before, one died four days before I was born... and my mom's dad died of a stroke.

27) boyfriend/girlfriend?
Nope. I wish though D:

28) crush?
Two. One's day, and one's an Ex 4 times over.

29) what celebrity would you date if you could?
I don't have the confidence to date someone famous.
(...though Zach Braff is a cutie. <3)

30) current worries?
I think I might've lost a friend. I have no job. My meds might not be working. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life.

31) favorite online guy/girl(s)?
I don't understand the question... but I guess my favorite girl to talk to is Lin, and my favorite guy to talk to is Eric/Zealos.

34) do you burn or tan?

35) ever break a bone?

36) what is your favourite cereal?
Reeses Puffs. But there's also this Cranberry Almond Crunch that's really nummy.

37) person you cry with?
I cry alone.

38) any sisters?
One older sister, and everyone wishes they could be like her.

39) any brothers?
No, thank god.

40) any pets?
No D:

41) an illness?
That's debatable. Some people consider bisexuality an illness (it isn't), and Bipolar is KIND OF an illness...

42) a pager?
People still HAVE those?

43) a personal phone line?
Uh... no?

44) a cell phone?
Yes, but it only works in TEH YOO ESS

45) a visible birthmark?
One, but it's on my breast so it tends not to be very visible.

46) a pool or hot tub?
I love swimming pools!... But no, I don't have one.

47) a car?
Not one of my own, no. I have a license though! :D

48) personality?
Why yes, I do have a personality.

49) driving?
I'm a pretty good driver, if I do say so myself. *puffs out chest*

50) your clothing style?
Hot-Topic pants and tees.

51) room?
Unmade queen-sized bed, a bedtable, two dressers, and a chair. Oh, and one wall is a series of closets with old calendar pictures all over.

52) what's missing?
A couple teeth, but you can't tell :3

53) school?
Dropped out of college. D:

54) bed?
Queen-sized with three pillows, one on top of the other. Very comfortable.

55) relationship with your parents?
I'd say I have a good relationship with both of them.

56) do you believe in yourself?

57) do you believe in love at first sight?
Eh. I'm sure it's happened for some people, but not me.

58) consider yourself a good listener?

59) have a future dream that you would like to share?
To not be bipolar/depressed!

60) get along with your parents?
Wasn't this already asked? Yes, I get along with my parents.

61) save your e-mail conversations?
Usually. Too lazy to delete them.

62) pray?
Only at dinner, and just for show.

63) believe in reincarnation?

64) brush your teeth twice a day?
You bet! Flossing, on the other hand... ^^;;;;

65) like to talk on the phone?
To friends, yes. To strangers, HELL NO.

66) like to eat?
I like tastes and textures. The chewing bit I could do without. Also, I get self-conscious if there are people with me while I'm eating- I feel like they're judging how much I eat.

67) like to exercise?
Not in the least. But walks are kinda fun, and I don't mind stationary bicycles.

68) like to watch sports?
HELL no.

69) sing in the car?
Only if my mom's driving.

70) what is a dream that you have all the time?
That I'm back in high school. DX<

71) dream in color?

72) do you have nightmares?
All the goddamn time, usually about being in/going back to the mental hospital.

73) sleep with a stuffed animal?
Sometimes I sleep with Mr. Walrus or Squeaky the Manatee.

74) what's right next to you?
Digital Camera, kaleido-mouse (it changes colors! 8D), a chair, my bag...

75) what's on your favorite mug?
It's white and blue and has manatees on it. I also have one from when I was little that has illustrated animals in a nice little rainbow. I didn't notice it was a rainbow until recently, though. XD

76) what's on your mouse pad?
My mouse. But the mousepad itself has a bunny with a carrot... IT'S SO CUTE.

77) your favorite flavor of gum?
Juicyfruit, Winterfresh, Spearmint... Hubba Bubba has some really awesome flavors too.

78) your brand of deodorant?
Whatever looks nice. I usually get scented deodorant, though.

79) your dream honeymoon spot?
A big, comfy bed. ;3

80) your dream husband/wife?

81) what's hiding in your closet?
My stuffed animals, until we're done cat-sitting. Then they'll go back on my windowsill :D

82) under your bed?
Dust, probably. Not like I care.

83) the name of one of your closest/best friends?

84) your bad time of the day?
When I'm sleeping and you wake me up. D:<

85) your worst fear(s)?
Falling forwards, especially if I'm wearing my glasses.

86) what's the weather like?
It's GORGEOUS outside. Or rather, it was earlier in the day. Now it's cold D:

87) your favorite time of year?
Spring or Autumn. Or my birthday. :D

88) your favorite holiday?

89) a material weakness?
I'm territorial, so I have a lot of material weaknesses. If it's mine, you ain't touching it.

90) the weirdest food or drink that you like?
Litchi gummies.

91) at the top of your "to do list"?
Technically, find a job. But really, it's to level Black Mage to 27.

92) the hardest thing about growing up?
Not being able to play on the playgrounds. ;_;

93) a pet peeve?
Being woken up by someone. Alarm clock is okay, but if someone's making enough noise to wake me up... it's clobberin' time. (Not really.)

94) your scariest moment?
When I found out my sister had tried to kill herself.

95) your attitude about love?
Wish I had it, but it never seems to last...

96) the funniest or most desperate thing you've done?
Throwing coconuts at a wall. It's a long story XD

97) the worst feeling in the world?
Being alone when I'm at the bottom of my bipolar.

98) the best feeling in the world?
Hanging out with my Nazareth friends. Playing Bad Speller's Scrabble, or ghetto Scattegories.

99) who sent this to you?

100) People to send this to?
YOU. -_O

In other news... I'm sorry, Laura.

Also, the cat's been throwing up a lot lately. Fortunately, I haven't been a witness to it (yet).

I've decided that, should I learn the language, I think I'd like to live here in Kiev. Maybe.
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