1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five maximum.
2. Make them answer the following questions
3. Then tag three people.
Pandora (this ought to be interesting >D)
1) How old Are You?
Emmy: Nineteen.
Blade: Twenty-three.
Red & Blue: Twenty eight.
Pandora: Not telling. ¬_¬
Blade: She's Forty-seven.
2) Height?
Emmy: ...
Blade: ...
Red: Uhh... Six foot two, I believe.
Blue: Five feet, ten inches.
Pandora: I really don't know. I haven't measured my height since I was a kitten.
3) Do you have any bad habits?
Emmy: Um... I find trouble a lot. Does that count?
Blade: Crossing paths with Galanodel. Ugh.
Red: You wouldn't have to deal with her if you didn't keep insisting on seeing Chartreuse.
Blue: *ahem* I'd rather not say what my bad habit is. It's personal.
Pandora: No.
4) You a virgin?
Emmy: No.
Blade: *coughs*
Blue: No.
Pandora: Yes.
5) Who's your Mate/Spouse?
Emmy: *blushes*
Blade: What's with the personal questions?!
Red: Don't have one~
Blue: Me neither.
Pandora: I'm a widow.
6) Have Any Kids?
Emmy: No!
Blade: No.
Red: I most certainly hope not.
Blue: My brother and I are sterile- we can't have children of our own.
Pandora: Um... Yes.
7) Favorite Food?
Emmy: Good question... Carrots, I think.
Blade: ...Tuna.
Red: I didn't know you liked tuna...
Blue: Beef.
Pandora: I don't care, really.
8) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Emmy: What's ice cream?
Blade: It's a frozen treat made from cream. Too sweet for my tastes.
Pandora: Same here.
Red: I can't have sweets ;-; they make me throw up. But they smell so goooooood.... *whine*
Blue: *rolls her eyes*
9) Killed anyone?
Emmy: Unfortunately...
Blade: Yeah.
Red: Lots of times.
Blue: Too many to count on my fingers and toes.
Pandora: Mhm.
10) Hate anyone?
Emmy: Sure... *glares at Blue*
Blue: *glares back* Yes.
Blade: There they go again... *sigh* But my answer would definitely be Galanodel.
Red: I hate anyone who gets on my bad side.
Pandora: Pass.
11) Any secrets?
Emmy: Yes...
Blade: Yeah. What, are you expecting me to tell you?
Red: Sure.
Blue: I'm losing track of which ones are secret and which ones aren't.
Pandora: Of course I do. Doesn't everyone?
12) Love anyone?
Emmy: Uh, um, um...!
Blade: *cough* No!
Red: ......You two aren't fooling ANYBODY.
Blue: No kidding.
Pandora: Yes...
13) TACOS?
Emmy: Huh?
Blade: Those things are NASTY.
Red: No they're not!
Blue: Yes they are, shut up.
Pandora: What's a taco?
14) Ever slept in all day?
Emmy: Uh... I'm not sure. Probably.
Blade: Yes, but I was recovering from using too much of my magic.
Red: I WOULD HAVE, but SOMEONE woke me up.
Blue: You were snoring!!
Pandora: Nah.
15) Eye colors?
Emmy: Green.
Blade: Reddish-brown.
Red: Red.
Blue: Light blue.
Pandora: Blood red.
16) Hair?
Emmy: Orange.
Blade: Brown.
Red: Red, again.
Blue: Blue.
Pandora: Brown.
Red: Why don't you have any grey hairs?
Pandora: *smack* Because I'm not old enough for them, that's why!
17) Fat/Average/Slim?
Emmy: What's with these weird questions?
Blade: Uh... slim? I guess?
Red: Buff. *flexes*
Blue: Yeah, yeah...
Pandora: Healthy.
18) Rain, sunshine?
Emmy: I like them both!
Blade: It doesn't matter.
Red: I like the rain.
Blue: ...But the thunder and lightning make him jump.
Red: You do it too!
Blue: I never claimed otherwise~
Pandora: Rain is depressing, but still serene...
19) Pool, Beach?
Emmy: Either one works, I love swimming! <3
Red: *snrk* He can't swim~~
Blade: *smack*
Red: It's true!
Blue: Meh, they're both alright. I don't especially like getting wet though.
Pandora: I hate swimming, and I hate sand even more.
20) Camping, staying home?
Emmy: I don't really have a home...
Blade: Camping, I guess?
Red: I want marshmallows. ;-;
Blue: No sweets, dammit!
Pandora: Staying home.
21) Dog, Cat?
Emmy: ...Are you serious?
Blade: I prefer not to deal with strangers.
Red: Neither. Both species are really stuck-up. >:F
Blue: Hey, that's prejudiced...
Pandora: Meh. No preference.
22) Believe in aliens?
Emmy: Yeah, both definitions.
Blade: What she said.
Red: Onoes, alienz! Theyz gonna eat mah face!
Blue: ...Have you been drinking, Red?
Pandora: I've met some- they're very ignorant.
23) What do you do to relax?
Emmy: Run or read.
Blade: Read.
Red: Nap!
Blue: Yeah, naps are good.
Pandora: Reading for me.
24) Car or Ship...?
Emmy: ...What's a car?
Blade: Neither.
Red: Ships are kinda fun.
Blue: No preference.
Pandora: Ships. Definitely ships.
25) What is your job?
Emmy: ...I... really don't know.
Blade: Assassin, though I don't enjoy it.
Red: Assassin, rank of General.
Blue: Assassin.
Pandora: Hm... I'm not really sure. I simply do as I please, whenever it suits my fancy~
26) Any unusual things about you?
Emmy: I'm really really lucky. And yet, really really UNlucky at the same time. They tend to balance themselves out... Usually.
Blade: Um... I'm left-handed, does that count?
Red: Everything about me is unusual.
Blue: We're hybrids.
Pandora: I have prosthetic hands.
27) boy or girl?
Emmy: Girl.
Blade: Male.
Red: All man, baby!
Blue: Woman.
Pandora: Woman.
28) Favorite Place?
Emmy: Anywhere with friends~
Blade: No preference...
Red: Beach! Yes!!
Blue: You dork...
Pandora: At home.
29) do you like pancakes?
Emmy: ...What are pancakes?
Blade: Meh.
Red: Again with the sweets...
Blue: *sigh*
Pandora: Not really.
30) last words?
Emmy: What was the purpose of this interview?
Blade: I'm outta here.
Red: Hey, wait up!
Blue: What a waste of time...
Pandora: ...Are we done now? Can I leave?
Shane is making a return to FFXI (the MMORPG I play, for those who don't know). He left a comment on my DA page, so he's interested in my friendship.
This makes me want to start hitting my head against a wall. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy- but I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up falling in love with him again. I hope he already has a girlfriend, or else it's going to be awkward.