I'm getting really fucking sick of the favorites system, or more specifically, people who abuse it. There are people who create accounts JUST to add other peoples' art to their faves, without contributing any art of their own.
I'm tired of getting multiple messages from the same person adding a clump of my art to their stupid little collection. It wouldn't bother me as much if the clumps didn't all share something in common. For example, today I found someone added a bunch of my cross-dressing jokes to their faves. Yeah, that's TOTALLY what I want my art to be assosciated with. Cross-dressing. I've actually taken some of my deviations down because they had been mindlessly grouped with art of the same category. Right now my biggest beef is with this drawing:
http://emeraldrae.deviantart.com/art/Tentacle-Rape-20653075 I really like it, but because I used the words "tentacle rape" in the title and description, it's been added to several peoples' tentacle rape fetish collections. I actually asked one of them to remove it from their collection, and they got pissed at me! I originally joined DA so that I had a place to show my art to my friends, NOT to have it lumped together with photos of vaginas and drawings of people getting raped.
Ugh. Maybe I should just delete my whole account. Become an art hermit or something.