You might remember the great
bedroom remodel by means of which I transitioned from working into retirement beginning around this time last year. Once the big work was done, I had a punch list of little finishing details to take care of, and I kept doing them and thinking okay, now the remodel's done.
Well, now it's done. Done-done-done. Today I finally finished installing the entire kit of ceiling glow-stars. It's not actually possible to photograph them in action, as it were (at least, not without a fancy camera, a tripod, a long exposure and some additional photoshopping), but since mine are affixed to a pure, matte-black ceiling, you can see them during the day.
There are several magnitudes up there, from Sirius down to little glowing pinpricks.
I put off finishing because...well, there are 1600 of them, and they're small, and putting them up involved bracing myself on a step ladder and working overhead in between light fixtures and the fan, and having to move the very heavy bed in order to get near the center of the room. In short, it was a hell of a lot of work. But it's finally done, and I'm about to go in there and lie down in the dark, and enjoy my own personal star field.
Damn. I just remembered one more punchlist item...
Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are