Title: House of Angels
Angels and AliensAuthor name:
emeraldsnakesArtist name:
miya-tenakaBeta name:
she_got_revengeWord Count: 39,202
Fandom: Supernatural/Torchwood
Rating: R
Main Characters and/or pairings: Ianto/Jimmy, Chuck/Becky, John Hart, Bobby, Claire, Jesse, Amelia Novak, OCs: Matthew, Sara, William & Evan
Genre: AU, Slash, some Angst
Summary: The Apocalypse is over. Ianto and Jimmy have been left in a motel room, alone and burned out. Unable to simply return to their former lives and unwilling to abandon one another they forge a new life. Together. With kids. There's also a Prophet, a sex crazed time traveling Hunter, an ex wife, and more that a couple of Pagan Gods and Supernatural beings.
Warnings: Slash, some dark themes, slightly graphic sex
Disclaimers: I own neither Torchwood nor SPN
Written for the
scifibigbang Author's Notes: This was supposed to be up yesterday, but I just started another semester and when I got home my internet crapped out on me.
You will notice that for several characters, they have gone through trauma, some more extensive than others and that I don't focus on their recovery from that trauma. That is only because the recovery is not significant to the telling of this story.
Master Post of Art - Which I absolutely Love!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four &
4.2 Part Five