Title: Bag of Candy
Fandom: Stargate
Series: Barking Up the Wrong Tree AKA: Shifter 'Verse
Pairing: Cam/Dave Sheppard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 506
Summary: Cam can't stand Valentine's Day. Written for
stargateland Valentine's Day Quickie Challenge
Warnings: Cam in no way reflects me Schmoop..ish
Valentine’s Day was one of those few holidays that were just too human for most Shifters to handle. The expressions of love, while so freely given was half the time insincere. Cameron avoided the special day. It overloaded his senses and gave him a migraine. He stayed home, away from al the sex and pheromones, the hopeful and the shot down, buried under a heavy blanket and watching the biggest action flick of the year.
He didn’t expect a knock on the door that night, or to see his boyfriend of almost a year standing on the other side.
“What are you doing here?” Cam blurted.
Dave Sheppard was wearing casual clothes, jeans and a long sleeved shirt under an open coat. It was surprisingly a warm Valentine’s.
Dave leaned against the door frame, “Well, I haven’t been able to get a hold of my boyfriend these last few days and I know he wasn’t scheduled for a mission, so I figured I’d come down and see what’s up.”
Cameron ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He had kind of been avoiding Dave but he hadn’t really known how to tell him of his intense dislike for this particular day.
They stood in silence for a moment before Cam suddenly realized that he hadn’t invited Dave in. “Crap,” he breathed, taking a few steps back, gesturing for Dave to enter.
Dave smiled at him and he was amused, which confused Cam because he expected Dave to be annoyed, even a little bit angry with him.
“You know,” Dave started as he removed his coat, “If you had been anyone else, I’d have been worried; very worried. Terrified even because purposefully avoiding someone on Valentine’s Day is a pretty bad sign.”
“Dave...”Cam was filled with shame and he wanted to apologize but he didn’t even know how to begin doing so.
Dave stopped him with a gentle press of his fingers to Cameron’s lips, “I wasn’t worried Cam, but you only ever avoid something if it has to do with your job or with Shifter norms you don’t particularly like explaining.”
Cam blushed and he wondered if Dave had already figured it out.
“I don’t care that Valentine’s Day means nothing to you Cam. Actually I’m a little relieved, Catherine always expected something bigger and better each year and I always hated it. Still, I brought you something.”
Dave reached over and pulled something from his coat pocket and held it out to Cam. It was a clear plastic bag filled with an assortment of Hershey’s Kisses, jujube hearts and those cheap candy hearts that had little messages on them.
“How’d you know?” Cam asked, taking the bag of treats reverently. They were his favourites, despite how cheap and terrible for him they were.
Dave blushed, “I might have called your mom.”
Cam laughed, pulled Dave closer and kissed him, pouring all his love and gratefulness into it. He might actually come to like Valentine’s Day if they were all like this.