Title: Brightly Awesome
Fandom: Stargate
Series: Shades
Pairing: pre John/Evan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 366
Warnings: none
Summary: The truths of Atlantis
Evan soon learned various truths about Atlantis that had no explanation but just were.
Laura would always be the coolest. It didn't matter if Chuck built a robot out of paperclips and rubber or if Daniel started teaching Klingon, Laura blew shit up, and the students loved her for it. Sometimes she would even teach them how to create explosives, the harmless kind that let them shoot rockets several miles or even handle the more volatile stuff if it was warranted.
The top floor of the science wing was haunted. It didn't matter that Atlantis hadn't been around long enough for a tragic accident or whatever to happen that caused a haunting, it just was. Nobody used the five classrooms and two labs unless they absolutely had no other choice.
Keras had his own studio to work on his artwork alone whenever he wasn't in class. He didn't get it because his father was a teacher, the school didn't do favouritism like that. He got it because he was always in there, painting or sketching and no one wanted to kick him out. He'd inherited his father's kicked puppy look which did an incredible job of guilt tripping everyone, even Caldwell.
Jeannie Miller was not to be messed with. Laura told Evan that during the school's first year running, someone had started a rumour, the original rumour now unknown, that had gotten blown out of proportion. Jeannie didn't bother to correct them.
The Olympic sized swimming pool was called the Jumper Bay. Evan still couldn't figure that one out.
John, for all of being the only teacher at the school that wasn't always there, was considered the "bad boy." He dressed professionally but his shirts were untucked, his ties were loosely knotted or absent and his jackets were rumbled. He never listened to Caldwell, repeatedly breached security, both physically and in the cyber world, tormented Chuck in a prank war and had the entire student population hanging on to his every word as if he were some kind of god. He could get them to do anything and if he wanted to, Evan was pretty sure he could have used them to take over the world.