Because we can never get enough babies around here. ;-)
Yet another old-school NCIS! Completely and totally WRONG on a lot of the technical aspects (MMORPGs generally don't have high scores, and I only know that because oh shut up), but the story was good enough that I didn't care.
The interesting-ish thing is that if this had been a season 2 or 3 ep, it would have been completely unremarkable. It was a fun story, plenty of humor, and everyone was in character. Just another good episode. That seems to be the case for a lot of the episodes this season. I'm not complaining, though - it's better than what we were getting for awhile there.
Gibbs vs. Computer made me laugh every single time it came up. Even when he shot out the monitor at the end and my little brain went "But he already destroyed the box, that monitor wouldn't still be showing that!". Suspend, meet disbelief. At least he wasn't teleporting anywhere. (Which, for the record, I also had no trouble buying whatsoever.)
Episodes where I-don't-want-to-kill-Tony count: Restarting at one. Loved him in this one; he bugged me last week. Maybe it was just me, though. Zach seemed to think it was completely on target. Tony was right back on track this week, though.
Zombies! "Wouldn't hypovolemic shock render the second step unnecessary?" /dies of happy
And then there was that conversation between Tony and McGee in the not-power plant. I'd say it was anvilicious, but it just made me go "hmmmm...." Another emphasis on how long everyone's been together ("the guy who's worked with you for the last seven years"). Sarcastic!Tony vs. Wise, Insightful!Tony. But mostly that comment about "There's taking it easy, and then there's being a dumbass, which is kind of my strong suit."
Throwaway line? Maybe so. It sure made me sit up and take notice, though. That's by far the most self-awareness we've seen from him in a long time. And I *do* count the Facebook chick incident in that analysis. In that one, the realization threw him for a loop. Now, he's simply able to admit that he's been, well, a dumbass - and that it's NOT necessarily a good thing. To me, this was just further evidence that they're finally starting to recover the character. That, combined with an episode where I giggled my butt off for most of it - and did not ONCE squirm in embarrassment for anyone? I'll take it.
My next choir really needs to not rehearse on Tuesdays. I'm going to miss MW's directorial debut, which makes me a sad panda. Hope my in-laws are up for a little NCIS this weekend.
Speaking of pandas...
Our baby looks like a panda at the moment. At least, it does on a 3D ultrasound.
Oh, did I say "it"?
I meant "he". We're having a boy! And, uh, trust me, there was no question. Apparently my son (my son...holy crap, does that sound weird!) isn't shy. ;-) Though we did get a hand in front of the face "No pictures, please" pose after awhile. Takes after his dad, he does.
He was also wiggling around like crazy. I can't feel him yet, but those kicks are gonna hurt pretty soon! I can't wait! ;-)