Fuu was sitting in a classroom with her study group, going over the results of their latest exam.
"Nagato-san, I can't believe you scored ten points higher than the maximum grade!" she exclaimed, looking over at the shorter girl's paper. "That is amazing," she said, picking up Yuki's test to flip through it for a closer look. "And Flynn-san, you got a perfect score as well!"
Flynn shrugged, handing Fuu his test across the table so that she could look at it too. "I just studied hard," he explained.
"Yes, of course, we all did." Fuu agreed, putting both exams down on the table and turning to the girl sitting next to her. "Reimi-san, how did you do? Did you have any problems?"
"No, Fuu-san!" Reimi held up her test brightly, revealing a big "100%" written across the top. "I even managed to finish early!"
"Oh, my!" Fuu laughed, happy for the other girl. "How wonderful!"
"Hey," Raven sat down at the table with the rest of them, looking just the same as always but apparently an ordinary student as well. "Here ya go, Fuu. I picked up our tests."
"Thank you, Raven-san," Fuu said, feeling excited as she accepted it from him and watched him tip his proudly towards a curious Reimi.
"So? What did you get, Fuu?" Flynn asked, leaning closer to her eagerly.
"A-ah. Oh, yes, I did quite well, too," Fuu stammered, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as she stared with disbelief at her exam.
"Really? How great!" Reimi exclaimed as she and Yuki watched her expectantly.
"Aren't you gonna show us?" Raven asked.
"Oh..." Fuu hesitated, starting as Yuki calmly took the test from her hands and set it face-up on the desk.
There was an awkward and uncomfortable silence as Fuu felt her face continue to redden and her eyes started to water.
*suddenly very much awake and very not fond of that dream*
An "F"...