Jan 10, 2003 19:52
Kate, can you take me to school? Sure.
Kate, can you bring me home? Sure.
Kate, can you drive? Sure.
Kate, can you take me here? Sure.
Kate, can you bring me there? Sure.
Ask Stef to come and get me. She says she isn't going to come back, but you can meet us at the library that's 2 miles from your house.
Fuck that and fuck you.
Nov 08, 2002 23:47
MEHHHH!! AHHHH!! EHHHHH!! Neon Lights, awesome. Hope it gets recorded one of these days. I'm a failure, I can't even shake shakers correctly. >;( Couch Pillow Coffee Table. Yay. Alex's hair flips out like a mullet, aww cute. Thank you for the braclet too Alex, how sweet. Monster Movie Night, weee! *hands in gun form and shake upwards*
Oct 08, 2002 20:49
Lost today. Alex was there to see me do a back flip though so it wasn't so bad. Niko and Courtney, aww. I also saw Alex, Niko, and Trey practice it was fun. They are pretty good I think. Watching Robin Hood Men in Tights, good flick I like it, it's funny. My cat likes to sniff permanent markers.
Sep 26, 2002 21:13
Thanks Alex, Caleb, Casey, Dawn, and Trey for coming to my game. I appreciate it. :)
Sep 25, 2002 21:02
Chris from Maryland is sooo cool.
Sep 10, 2002 20:06
Today I took the kids to get their box to skate on and it fit just perfectly in the back of my truck. Then they stole my backpack so I had to go back and get it.
Sep 04, 2002 21:34
I'm getting good at blowing spit bubbles out of my mouth.
Sep 03, 2002 21:15
KC is going to Highland now!! I'm so happy!! YAY!
My coach text messaged me on the phone and made me bring a tampon for her, I thought that was kind of funny.
Aug 18, 2002 22:23
Thanks Alex for the code. Thank you KC for your help!