Title: One Hundred Kisses In The Dark
Characters: Penny and Chick, with small mentions of Critic, Linkara and That Other Girl.
Word Count: 335
Disclaimer: Verse belongs to me, Penny is from Iambic’s luvverly brain and Nostalgia Chick is the creation of Lindsay Ellis.
A/N: Why, Verse, why? I just wanted simple Mama Bear fem!dom and you turned creepy and bittersweet again. Why must you always do this to me?
Penny knew that she was tied to a chair even before she opened her eyes.
She leaned her head back and groaned, not willing to see who the kinky asshole customer who had her helpless was just yet. Even though Critic and Linkara were the real street-trash hookers (yes, she liked them both but it was true), they all knew that "club-girl" was just a nice way of sugar-coating what they really were.
Oh fuck...
She opened her eyes grudgingly to see the Chick's small-but-decent apartment and the Chick herself sitting cross-legged on a table, deceptively perky and her hands playing with a bottle of chloroform.
"Don't you just love chloroform? It can be used for so many different things."
"Chick, what-?"
"What's going on?"
"Getting you some peace and quiet from the guys in your life..."
Alright, Chick was being scary. She had to keep still like her life depended on it. And judging by the new glare the other woman was giving her, it probably did.
"And then there's obviously dragging men to your basement to tie up and play with when you really shouldn't."
She paled, remembering her dreams. Maybe she had lost time again, maybe the double she always saw in her head had hurt Critic again.
Chick uncrossed her legs and walked over to her, carrying a long, thin cane in her hands.
"Penny, what did I tell you before?" She stroked her side with it, the softness before the violence. "Just be grateful that I'm not working you over with a hammer and crowbar." Her eyes looked empty and her voice was almost weary, like she really didn't want to resort to this.
"Chick, there's something really wrong with me." She was resigned to the pain she was going to get, but she had to make someone understand.
Chick grabbed her chin and forced her head up, running a thumb over her lips and a smirk tugging at her own mouth. "I know. That's why you're here."