It's my new fandom. Seriously.
I've been bored this weekend so I decided to follow the lead of my RL friends and get into it. And I'm so glad I did - I love it. :D There's loads of episodes I've not seen, and it's been fun just getting through them all, falling in love with The Doctor and how cute and funny and quirky he is. I think the Tenth Doctor - David Tenant (<3 <3 <3) - is my favorite. Though Christopher Eccleston is amazing at portrayng the Doctor too. (I've not seen any of the original series, and I don't really intend to watch them, so to be fair those are the only two doctors I know. Think I'd still love those two the most though.)
And the show itself is funny and fluffy at the same time as being filled with all this angst because he's the last of his race. (Aang parallels, anyone?) I love how he has this vengeful side to him that conflicts with his ideals - and he's been through so many various kinds pain in the past and he still bottles it all up and manages to keep smiling and saving the universe. It's my dose of angst and comedy in one! ^^ It would be amazing to fic if I knew enough about all the characters and the Doctor Who universe...but I think it'll take ages before I get to that stage.
And then there's (-um, am I about to start talking about shipping in a new fandom again?) how much he obviously loves Rose but can't really because he's like, an alien. And I've seen clips and been spoiled on this already so I know something heartbreaking is going to happen later in the series with them and it already makes me cry every time I think about it! Oh, Rose <3
And also, because I thought I might as well fit some Avatardedness into my day, I visited an Avatar fansite I've never been on before.
It was all pretty standard stuff; episode reviews, transcripts, character descriptions. But I was kind of puzzled when I got to Sokka's description. Particulary when it came to the shipping part (which was basically his entire description, really.) To paraphrase: 'there are two possibilities for Sokka's ship, the first and most likely of which being Suki.' Fair enough, no arguments there. But then the second paragraph opened with 'the second possibility is Yue.' -_- I mean, seriously? That's the only character who comes to mind after Suki - one who dies before the second season began? This was written after Serpent's Pass, too! I mean, I have no problems with people having a personal opinion, but come on, give us a little credit. And then (because I was still bored and must like WTFery) I read the comments people had left. The first disagreement was that Ty Lee is also a possibility. When Tokka was finally mentioned, it was shot down because 'Toph is 12 and Sokka is like, 16. Or he probably is in the show by now.' Uh, last I heard, Sokka was 15 as stated in the show? -Oh, yeah, and Toph probably kissed [who she thought was] Sokka on the cheek that one time because she was exhilarated. Yeah...
Ugh, man. I wasn't so much annoyed as I was amused, to be honest. I just thought it was...weird and deserved a WTF. I suppose it doesn't help for me and my recent defensive attitude towards this that Tokka's been getting compared to Zutara so much lately - nothing against Zutara; it's just that people can have that mentality towards Tokka shippers now, that we're trying to see something that's not there in canon and that Sokka and Toph could never be more than best friends. I don't believe that, even now - I think the ending was more ambiguous than Tokka shippers could've hoped for, since the future was left completely open. Of course, mention this and people seem to think you're delusional or can't accept canon because Sokka and Suki were together and happy where we left them. But that's the thing - we left the story, but the character's story will still go on. We didn't get to see that part; it's no-man's land. Hasn't been touched by Bryke, and they did that on purpose for fans to speculate. So I don't think anyone in fandom has the right to say what will happen in the future for definite. (I know, by that logic Azula could've hooked up with the cabbage man - but yeah...there's reason in my point somewhere.)
And, in other unrelated news, school starts again on Monday. Woo. Need to go shopping. Oh, and I didn't end up finishing my summer reading...which scares me :/