Oh, an update??
So today was the last day of a string of prelim exams. Woo!
Now I just want to crawl into a hole and sleep for a very long time (preferably also through Advanced English results, which I'm really pretty scared about. Not finishing one of the essays on time and choosing a different question from most other people in the class is not generally something I feel I should be rejoicing about. Also, those questions were hard. To paraphrase: 'Discuss the notion that one of the main features of [John Donne's] metaphysical poetry is the unabashed concentration on the self.' Urgh, I didn't have a clue, since I'd focused my studying on an entirely different aspect of poetry. But I love how, when it comes to exam time, people randomly gain this amazing ability to make up BS on the spot, like completely refuting the aforementioned notion in favour of arguing that Donne, in fact, focusses more on use conceit to explore ideas (o.O. Like I said, on the spot randomness) - and then, as in my case, realising half way that they don't actually agree with the conclusion they're working towards. Uhm, oops?)
So yeah...English is the only really worrying prelim. On the other hand, I had my acting exam today, and that was pretty fun. It's nice seeing how much the standard rises when it comes to performing - from messing messing around during rehearsals to this intense level concentration through the exam that just makes everything feel so real. (And when it's The Crucible, that's a slightly unnerving experience :D)
By best bud turned 18 yesterday. This is almost too much for me to handle. It just seems...weird that she's legally a full adult and...meh. When did that happen? lol Seriously, I know it sounds cheesy but now I know what people mean when they say 'don't grow up too fast.' It's like I've spent so many years looking forward so much to being 18, but now that I'm next it's more '-hang on, Iactuallykindalikebeingseventeenkthnxbai.) It's not like my life's going to change dramatically, if much at all, it's just sort of...the end of something, and that's a little daunting?
Anyway, I was just thinking today (and quite a bit over the past week) how fast this past year's gone in in terms of fandom (and life too, I guess.) I mean, about a year ago 'The Boiling Rock' had just came out/(leaked online?) That just seems crazy; it feels like we were all spazzing over it just a couple of months ago - and now we've had the whole finale, we know what happens with that story and the fandom is slowly quieting down. It's sad, in a way. I've not had much time for it (or any other fandom) lately, but Avatar's been something of a constant in my life as far as...fandoms go. (Does that make sense at all?) I know there's still lots of stuff going on, but I don't think I'm quite finished enough with Avatar for it to fade away into obscurity...which I suppose I know won't really happen what with the movies on the way. ( AND URGH. WHY AM I GETTING ALL SENTIMENTAL AND NOSTALGIC ANYWAY?)
Oh, on the subject of the live-action movies: I'm now an officially unsatisfied as far as casting goes. It's just kind of sucky that whoever's doing the casting doesn't seem to by trying to really get in touch with the feel of the show - because - and I'm not being picky over minor things that 'won't matter when you see the finished result' - something like Avatar just can't be reflected in a movie featuring a cast made up of one race or ethnicity; that cannot constitute and represent four different nations. I'm very much mistaken if one of the major messages in Avatar wasn't that all people are one in their diversity; that the separation between nations (translatable to race, ethnicity, religion and a whole host of other branches) is an illusion - live-action Avatar would send amazing messages if they reflected this, in today's climate of paranoia over 'people who are different.' And it can't do that without the prime, fundamental example of having diverse cast.
Maybe I should be saying all this in a letter to Paramount...
On a final, utterly random note: GO WATCH THESE MOVIES IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY:
-Transformers (more hilarious than anything else; awesome movie over all.)
-Shakespeare In Love (simply for the beautifully poetic line at the and that makes me cry every time - 'for she will be heroine for all time,')
-and...Little Miss Sunshine. (Actually, I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this one. But it's very touching and worth the watch.)
I saw them over the exam season (haha TOTALLY NOT AS A MEANS OF PROCRASTINATION, OH NO NOT ME) and loved them all. <3
(...And yes, I use parenthesis far too much. Like now. Oops?)