Book shopping & Holiday

Mar 01, 2010 15:34

Today I bought two awesome children's books! I haven't been to my favourite bookstore in a while, and I discovered that now they stock most of Neil Gaiman's picture books. I wanted to buy all of them, but they are damn expensive, so I had to choose two.
Nadia is too young for them, and she can't read well even in Bulgarian yet. However, I love to buy books for her, and she will start learning English as soon as she starts school. These will be useful at that point, because each of them comes with an audiobook and it will be easier for her to grasp the differences between spelling and pronunciation as she listens and reads along.


And of course, I had to buy a book for myself, right? It's only fair. I got an awesome Sci-Fi anthology. I can't wait to "get my stuff done" today, so I can settle with a glass of wine and this baby.

Another thing. Today is a sort of a holiday here in Bulgaria. We celebrate the approaching spring and we have a custom of exchanging small red-and-white decorations made from yarn with our loved ones. The red symbolizes life, and the white symbolizes purity. It is an old pagan custom, which has been around since at least the 6-th or 7-th century AD. I can't send you real ones, but here's a virtual one for everybody. Hugs and hood health to all of you!


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