em... i miss you too much for words nad must see you pronto!! im currently working 45 hours a week 8-5 at an eye clinic. death and destruction!!!
yea i feel the EXACT same with the whole stupid boy situation.
OH!!!! THE PARTY: so i didnt read your lj thing until the night OF the party when i was WASTED drunk. not only was i drunk but i didnt know where my phone was. ( IT WAS ON ITS CHARGER.... if ound it the next morning like a stupid ass). but i did run around teh party for an hour and a half telling everyone i saw to call emilie reeks because she needs to be here.
darling-i always feel like i miss you way more than you could ever miss me--our nights out with 7752048 spanish men plus caroline are always my faves... i'm broke as a hobo, but PLEASE let me know if anything special is going on at any point in time. also, i need to know about this boy... well just one thing in particular... it involves a door...
Comments 3
yea i feel the EXACT same with the whole stupid boy situation.
OH!!!! THE PARTY: so i didnt read your lj thing until the night OF the party when i was WASTED drunk. not only was i drunk but i didnt know where my phone was. ( IT WAS ON ITS CHARGER.... if ound it the next morning like a stupid ass). but i did run around teh party for an hour and a half telling everyone i saw to call emilie reeks because she needs to be here.
ill call you either leter or you call me!
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