Apart from going: OMG twas bloody brilliant and effin awesome! I'm going to put all my thoughts on this season of Torchwood behind a cut, just in case anyone's lagging and I don't want to spoil them (twould be a pity since it's all soo brilliant and best tv in ages! seriously bloody good!)
Right then, Torchwood season 3...I hadn't felt any anticipation for it, or been counting the days or anything; for me, it was going to be just another thing on the telly, a thing I rather liked and enjoyed, but I'd never been a huge fan (woo captain Jack! was the reason I watched. then Owen, 'cos he was awesome ^^)
but after that, this season just blew me away! THe story was beautifully excecuted, shot, written, told, everything!
My thoughts might be mangled, but it's only been 15 mins since it all ended, and wow, all so good!
- guy playing Frobisher --> needs an award! Especially for his scenes in ep 2 with the alien! Beautifully excecuted & acted. Just the right balance of fear and calm and control and protocal; his eyes showed all and nothing. He did an excellent job! And his ending was more heartbreaking to me than any other
- Oh Jack...you poor thing...it's hard having to be the one making the hard decisions, but you did save the world! ... yeah, still hurts though...v. doctor-esque there, but I can't remember which ep exactly, but it reminds me of the Doc
- The things going on behind closed doors in parliament --> most scary thing there was! Because it felt so plausible! so possible! So real! Scary/sad thing is, I did agree with some bits, (like trying to look on the bright side that resources are running low, 10% loss could be useful) but this was before we found out that basically, they used the children to get high (that's new!)
- Ianto's family! lovelovelove them! they're awesome! very much the kind of people you want on your side, but you might not want to hang out with much '^^
- PC Andy! for the few moments you were there, you were great, especially your last scene! hee!
- Rhys! --> best husband of the year award!
- Blown up Jack! eww (I did say my thoughts would be mangled) just eww...do not want...naked Jack on CCTV chained to a wall, not so bad...but then cement, ack, nightmares there...(read a fic where that happened once...but there was no one to save Jack that time...*shudders at the memory of haunting fic*) but then super!Ianto with forklift to the rescue! then cpt Jack bum! '^^ ep 2 was made of awesome!
- Frobisher! can't say enough about him! woo! dunno why, but I really, really enjoyed his character!
- Ianto dying (suppose I should mention it) was sad, but then I'd never really liked him that much...felt more pain for Owen's 2 deaths... ;-) but was sad for Jack.
- Will be staying away from scary fandom land because of Ianto's death because the fans over yonder have gone scary with their weeping, cursing, swearing...saying they'll be mean to RTD at Comic Con...don't do that! this has been an awesome series! much more than Torchwood ever was! so he's killed it off, big deal, twas just a TV program! and enough with the death threats...sheesh...(no, I'm not actually going to go over there and say it, I will be lynched...*coward*) RTD wrote and created one of the best things on tv in recent history, dark, dangerous, tense, can't stop saying how awesome twas! Haven't been so exhausted by tv in a while! (okay, Primeval did for a few eps this season, but this was different...this was, scary because the government is believable scary, wheras Primeval was "this is all fantasy" scary...the latter is easier to brush off)
- oh that 456...really respected him at the start, thought it would be a good alien meeting, but then it just got worse and worse *tuts*
- I feel sorry for Jack's daughter...she came through when she needed to, but then payed the price of saving the world by losing her son, and Jack had to do it...ouch...
- Jack's gone off into space!! I love this!!! I want a new series following Jack around on spacy adventures, flirting with tentacled creatures and just being awesome out there! Hooking up with cpt Malcom Reynolds...) Jack needs a holiday from being the Doctor and needs to find himself again. Poor lad's been through too much & lost too many...seems like he really wants to relinquish the mantle the Doctor bequeathed him...protecting the earth is tough...
- Gwen was really likable this time round! there have been moments in the past where I havne't been very fond of her, but this time, she pulled through and was great!
can't think of anyhting else to say at this instant...but those are my first thoughts ^^ enjoyed every bloody moment, and a few pillows did suffer for it (v. squeezed...)
in short, I think it should go down in TV history as one of the best things ever. Really, twas spectacular & v. gripping.
thursday wasn't a good day for me, tv death wise...watched a film with Jean Gabin in the morn, he died, then at lunch, the last 2 eps of Robin Hood, much death...then Torchwood (which I nearly spoiled...oops)