Ficlet: Fight

Oct 17, 2016 01:39

Title: Fight
Author: emily64cooper
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Anakin/Padmé

Prompt: “Star Wars, Any female, warrior" at Comment-Fic
It's not that she can't fight. In fact, she's a pretty good shot with a blaster. She's fought her way out of battles here and there. In her youth, as Queen of Naboo, she'd taken self-defense courses with her staff, and those courses had been put to good use. She fought right alongside the Jedi in the Clone Wars.

To Padmé, none of that counts anymore. This is the real battle. She can feel Anakin slipping away from her, slipping away from the light side of the force little by little. Something in him broke when his mother died and she hasn't been able to fix it.

This is the fight she has always been preparing for. She turns to Obi-Wan, trying to enlist him in her battle to save her husband from himself. She tries everything she can. She uses all of the weapons in her arsenal. She begs him to open up to her, to let her back in, to fight his demons together.

When she finds out about his turn to the dark side, she can hardly believe it. She needs to know for herself. This is it, the final battle, the one that changes everything, she knows. So she takes a ship and flies to Mustafar to try to convince him to stop, to come back to her.

Even the toughest warrior loses some battles.

oneshot, fanfiction, rating: pg, comment_fic

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