[my name is]: Emily
[in the morning i am]: sleepy
[love is]: all we need
[i dream about]: peacefull world, where religion, nationality or looks don't matter...
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: hmmm, eyes.
[last person u slow danced with]: Azmir
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: Azmir...
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: neva
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: my dad
[hugged]: Roslana
[you instant messaged]: Marky
Laughed with: Roslana
D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
Could you live without the computer? neva
Whats your fav.food? junk food. and vietnamese food. well and food in general:)))
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: maracuja, litchi, rasberries, kiwi, oppuncia... Yes, I'm very special.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional.
Do you trust others way too easily: no way.
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: 'bout 2 or 3
[of hearts i have broken?]:mebbe one. but I hope not
[of boys i have kissed?]: quite a few. But you know I live in EUROPE.
[Girls I have kissed?]: hmm, 5 ?
[of drugs taken illegally?] : too many to count.
[of tight friends?]: few
[of cd's that i own?] : hmm, around hundert ? who knows... never really counted them... maybe more, if I think about it...
[of scars on my body?] : few
[of things in my past that i regret?] : none, I guess. I try not to...
[i know]: your name, I know your skin, I know a way these thing begin ( Suzanne Vega )
[i want]: something or someone I can't have right now ( Suzanne Vega )
[i have]: copy of Koran, laptop, American passport, tons of clothes and Visa credit card. How bad is that ? :D
[i wish]: he was here...
[i hate]: G.W.!!!
[i miss]: Azmir
[i fear]: terrorists.
[i hear]: Roslana
[i search]: for good signs ( Viewegh )
[i love]: muslim. so sue me.
[i ache]: all over my body.
[i care]: for my friends.
[i always]: look over my shoulder if there isn't some terrorist with bag full of explosives.
[i dance]: . yes, I do.
[i cry]: hard when it comes to strong emotions, memories from past or hatered.
[i do not always]: think before I speak.
[i write]: with gel ink pen
[i confuse]: myself, myself and ... myself. And the others as well.
[i can usually be found]: hmm, on my cell phone. I don't hang around one place.
[i need]: to be honest about my feelings. :D
[have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: yes
[if so, when and with who]: hmm, with my friends.
[have you ever been caught "doing something"]: yes :D
Are. You. A. ?
[wuss]: nah
Druggie: no labels, please. I do some s***, but I have under control. And if people label me, that's their problem.
gang member]: nah
[daydreamer]: yes
[alcoholic]: yes. lol. just kidding.
[freak]: yeah. kinda.
[brat]: lol, yea
[sarcastic]: not at all. :)
goody-goody]: kch, nah.
[angel]: an-what : Angel ? How could I be an angel ??? lol
[devil]: yes!!! lol
friend]: guess so
[shy]: shh... I am. but I hide it well
talkative]: yup
[adventurous]: yeah... yeah!!
[intelligent]: guess so.
[impacted you the most spiritually]: Fatima. Muslim angel. But she looks like the type who suicide bombs in Gaza. Which oddly attracts guys. lol
[wish you saw more often]: Roslana. I really wish she spent more time in Prague than on Ukraine. Somehow I don't think Kyjev is very safe place. But there's no space for revolutions in Prague on the other hand.
[wish you could meet]: Azmir now. But he's too busy.:(
[most sarcastic]: Sandy. she's Czech.
[wish you knew better]: I know them well enough.
[knows you best]: Ashley and Sandy
[best outlook on life]: Ashley. Southern soul and country chick.
[most paranoid]: me:)
[sweetest]: Lara. She's from south too. But south europe. well, southeast. Balcan I mean. She's da Cro-A-tian. :)))
[your best feature (personality)]: I'm helpful. that's what they say...
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: paranoid.
[most annoying thing you do]: "OMG, that dude, he's a TERRORIST!!!!"
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: hmmm, blocking the high way with "No war"piece of cardboard ??? gotten in big trouble for that:((((
describe your personality in one word]: paranoid.
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my hair. and yay, it's not bright purple anymore, it's really dark ( plum maybe ) purple color now. people say I'm very inventive with that.
[height]: high:)))
smell that makes you smile]: Sabatini!!!!
[a city you'd like to visit]: Tokyo. haven't been there yet.
[a delicious dessert]: tiramisu.
[a book you highly recommend]: 1984. AND Koran.
[the music you prefer while alone]: folk music. or rock.
[your favorite band]: Maroon5
[a film you could watch over and over]: 1984. Or Chocolaite.
[a TV show you watch regularly]: Sex and the City and M*A*S*H reruns. You know, Eastern Europe...
[you live in a(n)]: appartment. downtownest downtown you can get.
[your transportation]: subway...
[your cologne or perfume]: Sabatini!!!
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: nothing!!! you're monitoring me!!! none of your bussiness!!!!
[something important on your night table]: glass of water.