How far should one be prepared to lie in terms of the small matter of job applications?
On scouring the TEFL website for suitable positions. 28 current UK jobs. So far so good, now I've perhaps a little belatedly arrived at the conclusion that Manchester no longer has the hold on me it once did, and that I am ready to be terrifyingly adult and
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Comments 19
I don't like the idea of people lying on their CVs, because every lie that's told makes them one step closer to landing a job than me. :(
And ack, I am positive that the majority of CVs contains at least one teensy little fabrication. It isn't generally anything major, I wouldn't expect.
My CV may exagerate my knowledge of Excel... ;)
Incidently, you're a University Graduate, right? If this fails, you could do one of the TEFL schemes abroad to bump up your experience?
However, I don't believe you have to be a graduate in order to take part in these schemes. Some of them, yes, but not all. I'm kind of relying on my TEFL qualification and my previous voluntary experience as an alternate route in. It appears that jobs abroad are far more easy to come by than jobs here, and at some point I do intend to leave this country behind for several years at a time and fully relive the dream. It's more a case of me feeling that I shouldn't necessarily have to.
You might be alright after all, if you have a strong CV and decent reference
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And thanks!
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Good luck!
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