
Nov 05, 2005 15:13

so great timing, i have strep throat. yup. i mean this week is only tech week for wizard, and tomorrow is only load in...ugh. i'm just frusterated. and it came on so fast too. i was eating dinner after rehearsal with costen and kay and i was fine. and then near the end my throat started hurting a little. and then BAM i get home and can't even ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

anonymous November 5 2005, 22:54:41 UTC
I love you, Emily! I'm sorry you're sick.. and if I had my license I'd come over and bring you some soup or something! Haha.. I hope you feel better darling! <3


anonymous November 5 2005, 22:55:13 UTC
that was Maria, by the way! haha


emilydarling November 5 2005, 22:58:58 UTC
hehe thanks!


broadwaybabe262 November 6 2005, 00:40:20 UTC
everyone has it!!! get feeling better soon. hey we signed for load in at 2, right?


emilydarling November 6 2005, 02:02:44 UTC
yeah but i don't think i'm going to be able to make it tomorrow. :(


broadwaybabe262 November 6 2005, 15:57:11 UTC
Get some rest! :)


emilydarling November 6 2005, 16:14:50 UTC
i will thanks!!


Chicken soup? laylay19 November 6 2005, 06:11:35 UTC
Im so sorry you couldnt come with us tonight, we really missed you. It's more important that you feel better though. I love you dearly. Night!


Re: Chicken soup? emilydarling November 6 2005, 14:10:43 UTC
i know i wish i could have come!! i freaking love that show. love you too!


yourpaperangel November 6 2005, 22:48:06 UTC
i'm sorry you're sick that effing sucks...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i know i only did the wizard thing once...but i really want to be there. i had fun, haha :-p.


emilydarling November 7 2005, 18:44:11 UTC
haha. i wish you were here too!


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