Fic: Moments

May 20, 2007 20:30

690 words
based loosely on the recent surs interview where steven mentions sleeping on the mcr bus.

do not own.
for whisperingtome. she doesn't even realise how amazing she is.

written for 100_situations. prompt 078: kitchen.

Frank and Gerard were sat close together on the countertop of the cramped kitchen area. Steven stood with his back against the microwave and a beer in his hand.

“This is cosy,” Steven offered, fumbling slightly over his words.

Frank smiled and looked up. He continued to pick idly at the paper label around his beer bottle.

“Is that still your first?” Steven nodded in the direction of Frank’s hands.

“I guess,” Frank said, tipping the bottle in his hand and looking at it. “I just don’t feel like drinking tonight.”

His eyes flicked towards the couch where Bob was sprawled, half-sitting, half-laying, and shrugged his shoulders lightly.

Bob had passed out around midnight after nearly consuming his own bodyweight in alcohol. Steven, by rights, should have been passed out too - he’d drunk even more than Bob - but he was still going strong.

“I didn’t want that to be me.” Frank tipped the remains of the beer into the sink and lay the bottle in there too. He scrubbed his hands over his unshaven face in an attempt to wake himself up.

“I need to pee,” Steven announced to the quiet bus and pushed his back against the microwave until he was standing upright.

As he walked toward the tiny toilet cubicle, Steven began to wonder where all the fun had disappeared to. Frank and Gerard seemed different. There was a tiredness on their faces that Steven knew wasn’t just from a lack of sleep, but he couldn’t put his finger on exactly what was causing it.

He emerged with an empty bladder and a fuzzy head, closing the door behind him with a quiet click and turned towards the kitchen. But he stopped mid-turn, one hand still on the bathroom door.

Frank’s fingers were playing loosely with the hem of Gerard’s worn t-shirt and there was something in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

“Thank you for not drinking tonight.” Gerard was looking into his lap unblinkingly, and he seemed nervous, “You didn’t have to.”

“I know I didn’t,” Frank countered, pressing his fingers lightly underneath Gerard’s chin, tilting it up so their eyes met.

Gerard leant in quickly. He pressed his lips to Frank’s and smiled through the kiss. Frank’s fingers stopped tickling at Gerard’s t-shirt as soon as he closed his eyes.

The kiss was one of those stolen types, the best kind, and it was enough to make Steven feel guilty. It was such a private moment, and he’d watched - he’d tried to keep his breathing low and steady so he didn’t give himself away.

He opened and closed the door again, louder this time so they knew he was there, and ambled all of three steps back into the kitchen.

“Wow,” he swept his hand across his forehead in mock relief, “that has to have been a world record for the longest pee ever.”

And just like that Steven felt better, because some of that tiredness had evaporated from their faces and it seemed as if they had needed each other in that moment. He felt better because even though he’d watched their kiss, he hadn’t ruined it.

“Christ, it’s late. Or early. Whatever.” Steven pointed over to Bob, who had an alarm clock nestled, inexplicably, in the crook of his arm. The fluorescent numbers showed 6.07 AM. “I think I’m gonna head off to bed.”

“You can take my bunk,” Frank offered, smiling.

“You sure?” Steven cocked his head slightly and closed one eye - it made the pounding in his head feel lighter.

“Yeah,” Frank nodded, “I think I’m just gonna stay up.”


Steven pulls the covers up under his chin and clears his throat sleepily. He opens one eye, and through the gap in the curtain he sees Gerard ducking into his bunk, followed a second later by Frank.

There is a couple of minutes muffled scuffling and a loud whisper from Gerard of, “Ow, Frank, mind your elbow.” Steven smiles and turns over, listening to the soft sound of sheets being twisted and tangled between two sets of legs and he falls asleep, not wanting to intrude on anything else.

my chemical romance fiction

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