Tue, 00:54: RT @ HappyWilkie: WHEN WILL IT BE ENOUGH!? Ya’ll…I can’t. I can’t take one more thing. I really can’t. I feel like a complete failure an…
Tue, 00:54: RT @ HappyWilkie: I just started working again and am still waiting for unemployment to come through. Every bill I have is past due. I liter…
Fri, 04:04: RT @ WanderinBritchz: please consider that it's possible to be a full on mystic and *also* be in favor of sanitary water and sewage infrastr…
Fri, 05:56: RT @ briantylercohen: The fact that this guy thinks that two loving parents is some slam dunk against Pete and Chasten says a lot about just…
Mon, 16:01: RT @ PixieStrmDesign: It’s National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) awareness week and if you don’t have the slightest clue on what that…