Apparently, I like guys for their smile.
Case in point: Jackson Rathbone has about 100082 things going for him, but what I took out of the Ugly Girl film clip is "Wow, I can recognise him by just his mouth." And "Why is the whole smeared make up thing still kinda hot on him?"
Case in point two:
Bradley James. Apparently I should be flailing about his pout. He can go run and jump with his pout. Jesus Christ on a cracker, his smile. And it's not just dorky messing around with Colin that I flail over, even in Arthur mode his smile makes me melt. Okay, his eyes are pretty too. But that smile?
3 & 4 should be obvious.
Oh wait. No, Will, sorry, it's not your smile. That's kinda awkward. Your voice though, baby? Your voooooooooooooooooooooice ♥
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Please narrate my life.