Title: Everything Author: emilyia Prompt Number: 22, submitted by ceredwensirius Rating: PG Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius Summary: Everything had changed after the war. Warnings: Angst Word Count: 1980
Oh, those boys. They feel so raw in this, so vulnerable although they're trying so hard to be strong.
It's not too often that the after-effects of the second war are explored like this (at least, not in what I've been reading). It's not Happily Ever After, and it probably never will be, not completely. But it's a start.
One of the many things that disappointed me about the DH epilogue is that it was so long after the war and that it was all about introducing the next gen rather than about my beloved characters and recovery from strife. You've captured that beautifully here. This tugs at the heart strings but in a beautiful achy way. And you've included so many characters in so few brush strokes so to speak! I think we're attracted to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black because of the tragedy of their stories. Fanfiction gives them a chance to have love and happiness and you've shown a possibility of that with this hopeful end.
Oh, I'm sad now. And you did a wonderful job making me so. The idea of Sirius working for George is one of the most touching of this piece. And Remus being the one to break was somewhat unusual, but very fitting. Great job.
Comments 9
It's not too often that the after-effects of the second war are explored like this (at least, not in what I've been reading). It's not Happily Ever After, and it probably never will be, not completely. But it's a start.
Lovely piece!
You've captured that beautifully here. This tugs at the heart strings but in a beautiful achy way. And you've included so many characters in so few brush strokes so to speak! I think we're attracted to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black because of the tragedy of their stories. Fanfiction gives them a chance to have love and happiness and you've shown a possibility of that with this hopeful end.
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