i was going to photograph my spider bite, as sort of a kick off for the textiles semster. i'm hoping to document stages of my textiles studies in my livejournal this semester.
so... to spare you all a photo of a swollen index finger, i'll just say
couldn't figure out why my birds weren't singing this morning when i woke up don't worry, all was well they don't generally sing until after 7 AM apparently my inner clock has gone bonkers damn.
if i turn on my overhead light, my birds will complain- thus aggrivating my headache but i can't see enough to find the ibuprofen without the light on...
i watched the negative spaces in the flocks of birds while i was riding this morning.. they seemed almost like they were trying to spell out words... i love the migratory flocks this time of year
oh! to flutter about on stained glass wings, shedding scales and growing pale and worn. a windswept body has been blown away at last by an errant summer breeze.