
Apr 22, 2006 13:54

“A photograph is a secret about a secret.”
[ Diane Arbus, American photographer, 1923-1971 ]

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Comments 28

kuru93 April 22 2006, 14:51:04 UTC
great double exposures.


emilytwinborn April 22 2006, 18:52:27 UTC
Thank you! :-)


clairenolen April 22 2006, 15:39:56 UTC
the radio trick works here also. Right now they are playing " Fields of Gold"......*g*
you know i love your pics and i love to see them here, but i also like your thoughts and i will miss them when you only post pics. I do see though that being outside and working out is your priority right now, which is fine.
There will be rainy days and long evenings though......;-)


emilytwinborn April 22 2006, 18:55:43 UTC
LOLOLOL "the radio trick" - what a new game we've found, I love that. I hope it'd go on working. And you know, if I hear "Fields of Gold" I always must think of you because of the CD, remember? :-)
As to rainy days... you know me even better than I know myself. ;-))) Thank you for your words.


kat_manson April 22 2006, 18:06:20 UTC
hi emilytwinborn.

1. what i like about your images is how faint the secondary image is. it adds something, but just a hint.

2. your english is just fine. you know, you could always just write in german, too.

3. ditto on your 2nd two points. the computer doesn't just change the amount of physical movement in my life, it changes EVERYTHING. it has changed how i buy things, how i interact with people, how i process my images.

4. :( i need to lose weight, too. it's not about beauty's about health. i want to be vibrant and healthy. fat doesn't exactly promote that.

take care!


emilytwinborn April 22 2006, 19:07:25 UTC
Hi Smith :-)

1. Thank you very much. I'm always excited which of the two motives will dominate the print - which you never know when taking the shots.

2. Thank you, too. But I know how much time it takes for me to write in German and in English. Sometimes I'm really ashamed how much I forgot through the years. I know there are German speaking community members in LJ, I only need to find them. Plus: Then I'd lose my current LJ friends, I think, and I'd miss you all. :-)

3. Agree. The computer changes our lives. Good and bad. We just have to look after and minimize the bad things as well as we can.

4. Exactly. In fact, I passed my chances to become a beauty about 45 years ago *g* but I need to breathe and walk and act easier, that's it all about.

Thank you for your words!


clairenolen April 22 2006, 19:40:34 UTC
Lass uns das mal testen, Emily. Smith versteht viel mehr Deutsch als sie wahrscheinlich zugeben würde, weil sie nämlich in Deutschland gelebt hat...*g*
und ich versteh ....uhm....wahrscheinlich auch noch das meiste........*lach*
Neulich musste ich zum ersten Mal ein deutsches Wort im Lexikon nachschlagen. Ich wußte ums Verrecken nicht was "uterus" auf Deutsch heißt.....;-)
Und was ist das fürn Quatsch mit Schönheit vor 45 Jahren verpasst? Du hast se wohl nicht mehr alle! Schon mal was von Schönheit der Seele und Schönheit die von innen kommt gehört????????
und ja, atmen solltest du schon können, ohne tut man sich doch bisweilen etwas hart ( und sieht dann so komisch blau aus im Gesicht....LOL)


emilytwinborn April 22 2006, 19:51:11 UTC
*LOL* Claire, Du kannst manchmal so gemein sein. ;-)))))
Smith hat in Deutschland gelebt? Hey, Smith, wie lange denn??? Oh, das beruhigt mich, dann hab ich schon 2 von Euch als Rückendeckung, wenn ich ein Wort aufs Verrecken nicht übersetzen kann und deshalb einfach auf deutsch hinschreibe. Und Bill kann ungarisch. Was kann ich sonst noch erwarten? :-))

Claire, frag mich nicht, wie oft ich ungarische Wörter nachschlagen muss und nicht nur solche spezifischen Ausdrücke wie "uterus". Eine Schande für den Kopf, dass er selbst die Muttersprache langsam vergisst... *seufz*


bitterlawngnome April 22 2006, 18:33:39 UTC
I love the feeling of these all together as a set, the sense of texture and of multiple layers of meaning.

I hope the exercising is fun!


emilytwinborn April 22 2006, 19:12:53 UTC
Köszönöm szépen, Bill. :-))
Exercising is much fun! And those days it makes me so tired I can sleep the whole night all over. That's a great side effect.


xrayzerase April 22 2006, 20:42:52 UTC
i can relate with knowing the weights of depression
i am so glad you are getting out into the sun:):)
i love the images
they feel like open doors


emilytwinborn April 23 2006, 06:44:53 UTC
"open doors" - maybe they really are. Maybe open doors are everywhere around but sometimes we're just not able to see them because our eyes are closed and we're too weak to look around. But it's still good to know they ARE there. :-)))
Thank you Andrea, I wish you long days with many open doors. :-)


xrayzerase April 23 2006, 11:21:11 UTC
you see the "way" i "meant"open doors :):)
i am so glad
it means you must know the thing that they ARE there-and just have to be "seen"-no matter what the situation
this i can say from experience and not just "hogwash" :):)
to look all around with vunerable open eyes is the key


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