[Private // Unhackable]
What a piece of work this place is. I thought I finally made my way to Hell only to find out it's some sort of fucking stupid game on the part of some dumbass demon with nothing better to do. So much for kicking Satan's comfy ass off the throne.
Whatever. Better make do with the shit I've got. The Eiffle Pig's here, so at least she won't be spilling anything back home. Guess having Matsurika would have been too much to ask for. Now I'm going to need to do shit on my own. Fuck. Whatever.
Let's see, what do we got:
-Larry Butz: Stupid. Easily manipulated. Will do anything for a pretty face.
-Thomas Wussy-No-Last-Name: Stupid. No spine. Easily manipulated.
-Lesboperv: Garbage. Best tool I've got here.
Need to get out more and make myself known better. I don't care if there're demons or monsters or what-the-shit-ever, I'm not going to sit around and do nothing.
[Filtered to Kanako]
Oi, oi. I don't care what's goin' on, you had better find a way to move yourself into my room, got it? And it's got to be MY room. No way am I movin' into the basement.
[Filtered to his 'Ladies']
Okay, ladies, attention. We seem to be getting a lot of business lately, so I want you all in tip-top shape and doing your best! ♥ Remember to be polite, courteous, and generous to all paying customers~
This includes you, Kanako! I know you won't let me down~
[Mariya's event persona is that of the Madame of the Wasted Baciel Tavern; that is, he's the one in charge of all the female entertainment in the illegal speakeasy in back. He'll be partly running the gig himself along with whomever else wishes to connected to the illegal business and the mob connections it has. Also, any female characters wishing to be one of the Ladies, go ahead and play along.]