Title: Some are Born to Fly
Fandom: Mass Effect
Character/s: The Illusive Man, fem!Shepard
Prompt: #034 Ship
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: He's never really cared for spaceships himself.
Notes: Written for
my prompt table from
ficlets100 He'd never seen the appeal of the ships that flew in and out of Mindoir's single spaceport. They were useful, functional, but no different to the land vehicles they used to transport crops planet-side.
But his baby girl? Even before she could walk, he'd snuggled her against his chest as she gurgled happily at shapes swooping overhead. Later, her free time was spent pressed against glass windows, learning ships, befriending crews.
Yet it was only when he saw that same delight on her scarred, reconstructed face that he himself could really understand the beauty of a spaceship, of the Normandy.
Title: Can You Build Walls Against the Pain?
Fandom: Mass Effect
Character/s: The Illusive Man
Prompt: #038 Deaf
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: The screaming was the worst.
Notes: Written for
my prompt table from
ficlets100 The screaming was the worst.
The first years running Cerberus, he barely slept. Every time he closed his eyes, stopped to take a breath, turned his back on the flickering images burned into his brain, his ears filled with their cries. Walls, his own hands, the emptiness of space - nothing was ever enough to keep them out. Wailing, sobbing, pleading.
Necessary sacrifices, he knew, but with every report they howled louder. Condemned him further.
But time dulls all wounds. Now, as whole colonies are manufactured into husks, all he hears are the numbers. The success. The progress.
Statistics don't scream.