Title: Never Been Myself, Never Been Without You
Fandom: Mass Effect
Character/s: The Illusive Man, Anderson, Shepard
Prompt: #016 Headache
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Suddenly he can see what Shepard's been telling him all along.
Notes: Written for
my prompt table from
ficlets100 His hand was steady around the gun at Anderson's temple, dismissal easy on his tongue, when Shepard's words pierced the veil.
The signs had been there all along. A voice in his head that didn't sound quite like anyone he'd ever met. An unrepentant belief, unswayed by logic, pain, the 'necessary sacrifices'. Eyes found not in nature, but only in souls already lost to them.
And the headaches. His rooms had been made dark to minimise the debilitating pain, and he never raised his voice. After a lifetime, the precautions were as natural as breathing.
He had never been free.