So I totally played Tales of Symphonia when I should be working on my Secondary Portfolio. Yeah.
47 something hours in, finally on disc 2:
(...And there the plot goes kidnapping Colette again. I like her.)
Second thought: Even though I totally knew everyone was going to pull out perfectly fine (they're in the sequel! And you find equipment for them after they're gone!) I still felt my gut wrench when Regal stayed behind to fight off the angels. It made me sad. Even though he pulled a Gandalf with his whole YOU SHALL NOT PASS moment. I think most of it was left over from Zelos' betrayal and the whole finding out I-could-have-swindled-Kratos-into-my-party-but-I-was-too-late thing. But I was still sad. Seriously. I might have cried if he died.
Next thought: Snow bunny saves Lloyd's life? ... So sweet.
nth thought: I defeat Yggdrasil and the game's still not over?
(Of course it's not. I just started the second disk, didn't I?)
Final thought: Nononononogodno I don't want to kill Kratos.
And that was my evening. I could have probably found something much more productive to do. Tomorrow I will be busy beaver and get something done!