D.Gray Man's been liscensed! Well, I guess I'm not in the fandom really, 'cause I've tried to distance myself until I can catch up with everyone else. Being that D.Gray Man was only just now liscensed, the fandom's been living off of fansubs and scans, and what has been produced of the manga in the US. This means that fandom's far ahead in the series than someone like me who just buys the manga from the store.
But anyways, everyone in fandom has different feelings about the developement, except that everyone agrees it was inevitable (with, what, 80+ episodes?). They also seem to agree that the most devistating thing Funimation could do is censor Tyki's cigarettes. Or something. At the very least it's amusing. The most amazing thing they could do, apparently, is give Allen an accent.
Whatever happens, 2009 is going to bring chaaaaanges to DGM fandom. At the very least there's going to be a higher precentage of badfic. Logically this means there will be more goodfic too. Which is good.
I'm not making any sense and can hardly type straight so I'm going to go to sleep now.